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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.
Organization: Pocket Schedule Planner

Do you have a hard time managing your time or sometimes forget what needs to be done? This phone planner is great as you can organize when your classes are, list what tasks need to be completed, and set alarms for anything you need. Everything is color coded, making it easy to read. 


Focus: Flipd

This app is great if you have a hard time staying off of your phone while studying. You can even set a time limit with your friends or play ambient focus music during the time off. This app will make focusing on schoolwork so much easier!

Mental Health: Moodfit

With stress-filled times like these, it’s important to keep your mental health in check. This app helps make sure your personal goals are in check. There are a variety of ways to boost your mood on this app and a daily mood tracker as well. Reminders can be created to make sure you set aside some time for your health.

Encouragement: ThinkUp

Sometimes you need someone to encourage you or give you a little pick-me-up when you are down or feel like giving up. This app gives you daily affirmations based on what kind of encouragement you may need on any particular day. In addition to this, when you are feeling confident, you are able to record yourself and use it later on. Using this app will definitely give you the strength to keep going with a better mindset. 

Physical Health: PlantNanny

In order to stay up to your water intake, this app gives you a plant to take care of! You have to track every ounce of water you drink and set your own water goals based on your height and weight. The more water you drink, the more the plant is able to grow and soon you can start a garden. The app also sends reminders at scheduled intervals in order to remind you that the plant will die if you don’t meet your daily amount. It’s a fun, interactive way to be healthy!

Nikita is an undergraduate student studying Economics at the University of Michigan. During her free time she loves to hangout with friends, go for a run, volunteer, and dance.
MSU Contributor Account: for chapter members to share their articles under the chapter name instead of their own.