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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

A new semester calls for a new start, and I began this one by shifting my sleep schedule ahead of about three hours. Here’s what I love about it so far.


It’s brighter.

I’m shocked by how much sunlight I missed out on by waking up at 10 a.m.  Now I go to bed earlier, so I’m sleeping more during the dark hours and my day takes place during more of the light hours. I’m definitely not a fan of the short winter days, and this helps me feel like they are are a little longer.

I feel more productive.

Getting up a couple of hours before my first class gives me time to get ready and get work done. Last semester, after I was done with classes for the day, I’d have a pile of work waiting for me. Now, I clear a good chunk of it in the morning so by the time I hit that afternoon slump at the end of class, I don’t have much left to do. It’s a good way of helping me stay motivated and not get overwhelmed too!

I have more time to myself.

My suitemates are rarely up early, so the bathroom’s always empty in the morning. My dorm is also quieter in general, so it feels very tranquil. I don’t feel rushed during my morning routine, which makes it a lot more enjoyable.

I’m up early enough to try the dining hall breakfasts.

Last semester I was always limited to cereal in my room, but this has opened up so many options! Right now I’m loving the sweet potato hash from the Grill at BD.

There are more opportunities to hang out with friends!

By getting most of my work done earlier, I don’t have to worry about being super productive at night. I’ve been able to have more dinners with people and relax at the end of the day, which is much needed this semester.

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