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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

Going vegan is not only great for animals but great for our bodies, too. I can never keep up the diet because I love sweets, milk, and cheeses waaaaaaay too much, but eating strictly vegan options makes your body feel great.

The biggest reason going vegan is so hard for me is the sacrifice of some of my favorite sweets. Chocolate is definitely high up on my list of favorites, so this Raw Vegan Chocolate recipe has been a game changer. Not only is it yummy, but it is the quickest quick fix for sweets! If you are a chocoholic like me and haven’t been able to stay on a vegan diet because of this, then you are welcome!

This recipe will make a 1/2 cup of raw chocolate.  

You will need some variation of a chocolate mold. If you do not have one of these, then covering a sheet with foil or parchment paper and pouring the chocolate onto it will work. However, this will take longer to harden and will have to be broken up to make chocolate bark instead of little pieces.


  • 1/2 c. coconut oil, melted

  • 6 heaping tablespoons of raw cacao powder (or regular unsweetened cocoa powder will do, if you don’t have cacao)

  • 4 Tbs of maple syrup

  • a pinch of salt


1. Mix all of the ingredients into a bowl.

2. Pour into a chocolate mold. 

3. Freeze for 15 minutes until set or keep in the fridge until ready to eat.

And that’s it! Enjoy!

Ariana Antonelli is an English major at University of Illinois at Chicago who loves baking, cooking, DIY projects, and writing. Ariana has been collecting recipes for two years and she loves to share them with whoever is willing to listen. Ariana loves giving and receiving self-help and girl advice and is excited to make Her Campus her platform for doing so.
UIC Contributor.