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Being Creative with your New Years’ Resolution: Getting Fit!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Hey Collegiettes!

Every December 31st we all vow to stay fit or get in shape. It’s definitely one of the hardest resolutions to keep! It’s hard work, it’s effort and it can be seen as boring, but the results are definitely worth it though! Here are some easy ways to make getting fit fun!

1)    Instead of paying extortionate amounts to join a gym, join a society e.g. Yoga! Then you can go to discounted (or sometimes free!) classes with friends. When you get home you can practice your yoga moves in front of the TV! Alternatively a run in the park is free!

2)    Although it might be tempting to insist on dieting – don’t! Buy a really pretty notepad and jot down some tasty healthy recipes.  Make healthy meals with your housemates every now and then to keep it fun! Remember to treat yourself every once in a while! If you really wanna go the extra mile you could even start a blog or a good diary about your recipes with pictures and cooking/baking instructions!

3)    Buy something pretty! Buy a pretty top or dress as a reward for toning up! Make sure to take lots of photos – be a little vain!

4)    Get technology friendly – MyFitnessPal is a great free app which allows you to jot down all your calories throughout the day from what you’ve eaten to what your workouts are! It also tells you other factors such as how much iron or calcium you’ve consumed. There is also Fitness Buddy which has videos showing you how to do over 300 exercises!

5)    Make a pretty ‘Getting Fit!’ diary! Write down something you’ve done (big or small!) every day. It’s good to record your progress! Then when you look back over things you’ll feel motivated!

6)    Make a Get Fit bucket list for you and your housemates. It can include things like: take a dance class, learn to rollerblade, take a karate class and try certain recipes!

7)    Have a healthy dinner party where everyone makes something healthy to contribute to the table.

8)    Try and eat as many colours of the rainbows as you possibly can and no… Smarties don’t count!

9)    Go on a charity run such as Race for Life for Cancer Research. Get all your friends together, put on something pink and raise money! http://raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org/

10)  Reward yourself with beautiful fitness clothes, pretty cutlery/plates and nice fitting clothes!

Remember that getting fit should be fun! It isn’t easy but it doesn’t need to be a chore. Enlisting your friends and treating your taste buds is by far the best way to achieve your goals! Happy New Year!

Edited by Ili Mustafa