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Graduate Goodness: Why You Should Get a Gym Buddy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

If you’re struggling to motivate yourself to get to the gym regularly, having a friend to workout with can be hugely motivating, as they can encourage you to strive for your best in every session. Even though many people can workout efficiently themselves, bringing a buddy alone is not only more sociable, but can push you to commit yourself that bit more to your exercise regime. Here are some of the top reasons why you should opt to work out with a friend next time you hit the gym.

(Photo credit: http://images.shape.mdpcdn.com/sites/shape.com/files/story/best-friends-exercising.jpg)


You’ll be more committed

There’s nothing worse than letting your friend down by making a no-show, just one reason why you’re more likely to turn up for a gym session. Essentially, it’s harder to quit if you’re letting someone else down other than yourself. The desire to catch up with your friend – think gossiping between sit-up sets – is also hugely motivating. Not only can you socialise, but also you can do so whilst getting fit.

You can shake up your usual routine

Not only does having someone to workout with bring new ideas to the table – such as thinking up an inventive HIIT circuit – but can give you the confidence to try new exercises altogether. For many of us, trying new routines or machines can be daunting in an environment where everyone seems like a fitness pro, but having a friend by your side makes it less scary.

Your workouts will be safer

Working out with a friend can be safer than going solo – they can spot for you if you’re using a barbell with heavy weights. Moreover, workout buddies can also point out poor technique or form – such as a sagging back during a plank or leaning too far forward when squatting – thus preventing injury in the long run.

You can celebrate your success together

Let’s face it; celebrating alone just doesn’t compare to sharing your success with others. If you and your workout buddy smashed a gym session, reward yourselves together. Whether it be going shopping or catching up over a coffee, sharing your achievements with someone else, especially if you both reached a goal, will make you both feel a greater sense of accomplishment.

However, we do need to be careful whom we choose to work out with. That means we shouldn’t pick a friend that’s kind of lazy, unreliable or has a different schedule to you. It’s also best to pick someone with a similar level of fitness or related goals – if you’re hoping to build muscle and they want to train for a marathon, you probably aren’t well suited to workout together. As FitBodyHQ so eloquently puts it, “not all workout buddies are made equal, so you’ve got to be picky!”

Third year history student at the University of Bristol.
Her Campus magazine