Feel that excitement in the air? Sure, we can blame it on the upcoming Black Friday sales, your first Friendsgiving around the corner, and the jingle-belled light at the end of the tunnel approaching in just a few weeks. But, if you’re anything like me (crazy), then you’d know that the holiday cheer isn’t the only thing making life a little more exciting. The stars might have something to do with it as well.
Conveniently beginning at the start of the holidays, Sagittarius season is known to embody the adventurous, impulsive, and energetic spirit of this fire sign. Representing the explorer, Sagittarius season calls all of us to seize the day and expect the unexpected. But while the energy of this sign is present in all of our lives, the way it will affect each of us differs from sign to sign. Open your ears and listen to the stars, babe. Here’s your Sagittarius season horoscope, based on your zodiac sign.
WHAT IS Sagittarius SEASON?
As the sun moves into Sagittarius, we’re leaving behind the intense energy of our last Scorpio season. Like I said before, Sagittarius season brings all of this sign’s energy to the forefront of our lives. In doing so, we should all expect to have a more impulsive, go-getter mindset. Additionally, you may be craving more adventure during this season — perfect for those holiday trips you’ve been wanting to go on.

The sun moves into Sagittarius at 3:20 a.m. EST on Nov. 22. Until Dec. 21, your life may become enhanced with more of this Sagittarius energy. While Sagittarius placements (particularly your sun, moon, and rising) may feel this energy more than others, all 12 zodiac signs should expect to feel the fiery presence of Sagittarius.
This astrological period is important for all signs — not just the Sagittarius babes out there. Here’s how the upcoming Sagittarius season will impact you based on your zodiac sign:
My dear Aries, the fire sign energy of this transit is going to be quite good to you. With the sun in your fifth house of joy and pleasure, this sign should expect to feel more amped than usual. And that’s sayin’ something!
During this transit, take that energy and use it to get involved. Whether it’s a new activity, or a passion project you’ve been wanting to start, now is the time to dive head-first into possibilities.
Taurus, your love for routines and your eagerness to succeed will be paying off this Sagittarius season. The sun will be in your sixth house of organization and service, so you may be feeling more inclined to focus on your commitments at work.
This Sagittarius season, Taurus placements should try to be more aware of their surroundings, specifically in the workplace. While you remain steadfast, you should always make sure to look out for yourself in terms of your career!
Love is in the air for you, Gemini! This transit has the sun in your seventh house of relationships and partnerships. But don’t freak out if you want to stay uncuffed — this transit puts all of your relationships, romantic, platonic, personal, and business, into full focus.
Sagittarius season for you means that a new relationship is in your future. If you’re feeling some kind of way about a cutie from Hinge, or if a coworker wants to brainstorm on a cool side project, go into new relationships with an open mind.
The sun is moving into your eighth house of death and rebirth, Cancer. And while this sentence seems terrifying, this is actually a great placement for you to experience.
During this transit, Cancer placements should feel the urge to get their life together, and think further into the future. You may feel more inclined to take care of yourself on a personal level — to shed old skin and old habits. Honestly, you deserve it.
LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22):
Expect to have some fun this season, Leo! The sun will be in your ninth house of travel and adventure. So, consider grabbing your besties and setting out for a last-minute weekend trip.
This transit is about more than travel, though. Sagittarius season will bring you new ideas and connections that will lead you to exciting experiences. Whether you start a thrilling new hook-up, or get a cool opportunity at work, the odds are in your favor when it comes to adventure this season.
VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22):
The detail-oriented Virgo will be focusing a bit more on their long-term goals this season. But to Virgo placements, beware! If you’re focusing too much on your future, pieces of your past may come up when you least expect them to.
During Sagittarius season, Virgo may feel a bit torn between their future and past. However, if you move forward with a clear mind, you may be able to address the past in hindsight — rather than slowing down.
LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22):
As always, the communicative and social Libra is booked and busy this Sagittarius season. This transit falls within your 11th house of socialization and friend groups, so it’s no surprise that those will be your focus all transit long.
While you may have mastered the art of a busy schedule, just be sure you’re not spreading yourself too thin. Keep your priorities organized and try not to double-book yourself!
SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21):
Feeling that birthday hangover, Scorpio? With the sun in your 12th house of healing and endings, now is the time for you to relax, unwind, and reflect.
This Sagittarius season, take some time to focus inward on yourself. Reflect on your actions from the past year, then make a plan to become a better, more balanced human. While you may not be in the spotlight anymore, it’s never time to stop putting yourself first.
Happy birthday, Sagittarius! With the sun in your first house of identity and self, all of the focus will be on you during this cosmic transit. And while this might seem a bit intimidating, use that confident energy to own it. This is your season!
This Sag season, you may be feeling more impulsive than usual. Let your passions guide you, and don’t be afraid to say “yes” to everything — within reason, obviously. This transit is your time for adventure. Don’t be afraid to expand.
The hardworking and grounded Capricorn may find themselves wrapped up in work… but what else is new? However, the sun will be in your second house of finances, values, and possessions. And with your cosmic birthday coming up next, this is the time to wrap up your work before your season starts, and the year ends.
Capricorn placements should expect to focus more on their tasks, but they should also try looking up once and a while and join in the fun. While this might be the time to grind out your work, you’re almost there. Keep working hard, and take breaks whenever you need.
Aquarius, expect to be a busy bee this Sagittarius season! The sun is in your third house of communication, thinking, and social activity. However, this house also rules siblings and family relationships — so don’t be surprised if you’re booked and busy with your loved ones.
During this transit, Aquarius might be spending more time than usual around their family and friends that they haven’t connected with in quite some time. If you’re planning on going out this Thanksgiving Eve, this is the perfect time to rekindle connections from friendships past.
The sun is in your fourth house of home, family, and roots this season, Pisces. During Sagittarius season, expect to feel all warm and fuzzy inside — after all, you’ll probably be spending a lot of time around your family, whether it’s chosen or not.
This is also a great time to think inwardly about your desires and career. Find a family member you trust, and talk to them about your aspirations. Who knows? They might have the perfect advice to bring your ideas to light.