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You Can Have A Boudoir Photoshoot At Home With These 6 Tips

With cuffing season already underway, don’t forget to make time to pamper yourself. It can be easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of this lover’s month. So, do something special for yourself this Valentine’s Day and throw your own Boudoir photoshoot from the comfort of your bedroom. Maybe it’s new and exciting, or even a little bit scary, and either reaction is OK. The only thing you need to have a great shoot is an open mind and some good ‘ol self-love. 

Boudoir is an intimate photography style that emphasizes sensuality and romance. It’s a unique form of visual art that allows you to show up as your fullest self, embrace your inner power, and take in every beautiful part of who you are. Having an up close and personal photoshoot like this can remind you of your allure and let you meet yourself in a renewed way. In your at-home make-shift photography studio, you get to set the scene and be the subject of the camera. What’s neat is that the poses, angles, backgrounds, outfits, and energy of the shoot all are determined by you! 

To get the best tips on how to have a solid at-home photo session, I chatted with Emma Carter, the owner and lead photographer of Pittsburgh Luxury Boudoir. Here’s all the great advice you need on reducing that initial stress and getting yourself to dive in, look the part, and feel your absolute best for an activity that’s all about you!

Gather your supplies.

To have a pro-level boudoir photoshoot at home, you’ll need a few things. For starters, Carter recommends finding a good source of light — whether that’s a window or a ring light — a tripod, and a sheet or blanket. Oh, and some cute lingerie, OFC.

“Optional equipment would be a remote shutter for your phone or camera to hold in your hand,” Carter says. “That way you can pose and snap the picture when you’re ready!” Easy, breezy, beautiful.

Know your timing!

And make sure you nail your lighting. If you’re looking for that dreamy glow, you’ll have to catch sunrise, sunset, or golden hour. But maybe natural lighting is more your thing since you don’t have to scramble for the perfect time of day and that’s perfect too! Carter shares that it’s really just what feels right for you on shoot day.

“This depends on the look you’re going for! If you want super bright ‘light and airy’ photos try for midday when the sun is strongest,” Carter says. “If you’re going for darker, moodier photos aim for late afternoon. Don’t be afraid to play with light and shadows — get creative!”

Pick your poses.

The best part of boudoir has to be that you can cater it to your body. Whatever look or feel you’re going for can be the basis of your poses. Say you’re feeling confident, maybe that’s a sign to strike a power pose. And if you’re more on the nervous side, then laying down and placing your body at an angle might be a great way to go! Carter suggests trying out a handful of poses until you forget you’re posing in the first place.

“If you’re on a bed, place your camera by the front corner and make sure it’s above you at a downward angle, to get the whole bed in the photo,” Carter says. “Lay with your head facing the opposite corner of the camera and your feet toward the diagonal corner.”

It wouldn’t be a boudoir without some romantic hair movement added in there. You know, the type of hands through your hair, slow motion movie scene type of moment? Yes, you heard that right, you get to have that and more in your session!

“Splay your hair out, tip your chin up, close your eyes, and leave your mouth slightly open,” Carter suggests. “Keep your legs slightly bent (with one a little more bent than the other), point your toes, and play with your hand position. Hand to bra, pulling on bra straps, hand in hair — all of these are great variations!”

Find your flow.

If you think boudoir sounds exciting yet intimidating you’re not alone. The key part is that you’re interested in learning more about how to rock a photo session despite that initial discomfort. Take in that beautiful risk-taker energy and let it carry you through your shoot! For Carter, this is something she has to remind herself as well, both in front of and behind the camera. 

“It’s okay to be nervous and to feel a little awkward. Start with your comfort level — boudoir isn’t about wearing lingerie, if that’s not what makes you feel sexy then don’t,” Carter says. “If wearing leggings and a baseball cap is what makes you feel sexy then do that!” 

And if taking timer photos is not really your thing, she encourages you to swap out the stills with short video clips instead in favor of something that makes you feel more comfortable in your body. Because after all, boudoir photography is all about getting to know who you are inside and out!

“You can pause the video and screenshot it to take pictures afterward,” Carter says. “Your body deserves to be loved exactly as it is now. Start with your favorite parts of yourself and go from there!”

Get in touch with yourself.

Real talk here, taking photos, especially by yourself takes some time to get used to. And that’s where having a little talk with your inner self comes in handy. Asking questions like, “What do I need to be okay here?” or “How can I make this fun for me?” are great ways to dive right in and get the answers you need. On that note, Carter has a few things to say about finding ways to release yourself from judgment, so you can take in the moment.

“Get comfortable with seeing yourself naked — I know a lot of people find that standing in front of the mirror after a shower and just looking at their body helps,” Carter says. “Give yourself more compliments: It’s not selfish or vain.”

Plan for the unexpected.

As with anything new, getting into a new style of photography is a learning process. Getting the hang of things will take time, passion, and patience. Maybe that’s the fun part of it too! You get to push yourself creatively and grow in ways you never knew you could.

“You’re going to be sore! It’s more of a workout than you think. You might not like every picture — and that’s okay! Self-love is a journey,” Carter says. “On the flip side, you may find you love more than you expect! Hold on to that feeling and channel it when you need an extra confidence boost.”

Follow Emma on Instagram.

Alicia Casey was a National Writer for Her Campus from December 2022 to April 2023 covering all things health and wellness. She's graduating from Cal State Long Beach in May 2023 with her B.A. in public relations and a minor in communications studies.