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Articles Tagged With: team building
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5 Free Fitness Classes At The WELL

Did you know The WELL offers free fitness classes this semester? Yes, The WELL offers a wide variety of FREE fitness classes for every...

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Bob the Team-Builder

A group of fifteen girls huddled together at UC Irvine’s ARC sports field on a chilly Monday evening. The girls were telling jokes and...

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The Exit Game #2: New Digital Challenge

After our failed attempt to escape from “The Lab” challenge room a few months ago, Jeff Hsin, owner of the The Exit Game, invited us to...

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The Exit Game: An Escape from Reality

The clock has started. You’re in a room with multiple doors, some of them locked, and there are puzzles on the walls. Next to you is a...

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So You Want To Be An RA?

Are you interested in becoming an RA, but are unsure as to whether you are cut out for the job? I sat down with Alex Roberts, a sophomore...