Is the soft life social media trend truly helping us unwind, or is it just setting idealistic standards?
Welcome to World 1, a place where you have everything you could ever dream of. It’s one of joy, love, and friendship; a world you will never want to...
When the original trilogy hit the shelves, The Hunger Games was dulled down to a "love story" between District 12 victors, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, and fans were...
Sloan dissects the “That Girl” trend — and how it can promote healthy habits, or unattainable expectations.
I wish I could confine this ache to this moment, but the line of students waiting to discard their unfinished plates stretches on, each adding to the growing mound...
Feeling guilty about having more opportunities than others proves that you care. But is it helpful? Read more to unpack the guilt of privilege and how to use it...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.From racism scandals to the dramageddon Jeffree Star is one of the most controversial Beauty...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter. Exercising my right to vote, never gets old. Wanna know why? Read this poem...
There's a clear correlation between social class and college. What can be done to mitigate that?
Sometimes it just isn’t feasible to work for free during college, despite the potential connections and opportunities that may or may not come from the internship experience. If you...