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Articles Tagged With: maggie
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Maggie Brown 2020

Make your way to Simon Library now to meet WashU’s hidden gem. Born and raised in Westport Connecticut, this week’s campus cutie is none...

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The Walking Dead: Character Crash Course

Like a shuffling, decaying zombie, The Walking Dead is back with the second half of season 7. But before you worry because you’re a little fuzzy about what’s happened...

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Campus Cutie: Maggie Capozzi

This week’s campus cutie is none other than Maggie Capozzi. Known for her lively and outgoing personality as well as her dedication, Maggie...

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Maggie Morrissey ’14

Year: 2014 Major: Exercise Science Hometown: Amesbury, MA Relationship Status: Very Single Hobbies/Interests: Running, watching netflix Any...