After watching the new live-action "Avatar: The Last Airbender" Netflix original series and observing the audience reaction, this series has shown that once again, live-action adaptations nearly always fall...
As a mega fan of the cartoon, here are my thoughts on the live-action.
Water. Earth. Fire. Disappointment.
Conheça o anime com mais de 1000 episódios que ganhou live-action na Netflix
In this article, Nawal expresses her thoughts and opinions regarding the new live action adaptation of the popular anime/manga series, One Piece. She dishes out her thoughts on the...
Most of the films that Disney has been releasing recently are live actions. Almost all-important characters of the studio have received – or are going to receive for the...
A onda de remakes e revivals ganhou mais notoriedade com a Disney
Hocus Pocus 2, directed by Anne Fletcher, is officially part of the long list of Disney movies trying to vindicate its villains.
With great cast and performances, Cruella is a disney live-action that brings a new proposal.
I have always been a pretty big DC comics fan, so much so that I subscribed to the now-defunct DC Universe. When I heard DC Universe was...