The divide between sex-positivity and celibacy amongst feminists, explained!
This article explores the powerful lessons I learned from choosing celibacy in college, from identifying genuine connections, focusing on personal growth, and building emotional intimacy.
Breaking News: Women are being told their emotional reactions are incorrect. Again.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.I hope this tale of lust and loss doesn’t read like that of a...
Exploring all the different forms and reasons for celibacy.
Before I begin, I would like to clarify a few things; celibacy was not something I chose, nor wanted to do. This article is not an attempt...
If I asked you to think of celibacy, what’s the first image that comes to mind? A monk, a nun? Yet according to the BBC in 2019 the British...
In an overly sexualized world, how does one avoid the pressure to have sex?
I’m no stranger to wandering down an internet rabbit hole; I’m actually a fairly seasoned veteran of cyber-lurking. But, the nights I spent...