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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Between school, work, friends, family, and other commitments, stress can build quickly and stay long. Change up your routine and try one of these 100 ways to reduce stress.

  1. Set priorities in your life
  2. Visualize yourself winning
  3. Stop saying negative things to yourself
  4. Smile
  5. Tickle a baby
  6. Practice an awesome smile
  7. Take a bubble bath
  8. Be prepared for rain
  9. Walk in the rain
  10. Unclutter your life
  11. You don’t have to know all the answers
  12. Write a letter to a friend
  13. Watch a new movie
  14. Find a new series on Netflix
  15. Ask for help
  16. Freely praise other people
  17. Use your time wisely
  18. Wash your bedding
  19. Get a haircut
  20. Break large tasks into smaller portions
  21. Buy yourself flowers
  22. Sleep in
  23. Feed the birds
  24. Take a long hot shower
  25. Get up 15 minutes earlier
  26. Go to a sporting event and cheer
  27. Say “no” more often
  28. Put a new air freshener in your car
  29. Clean your room
  30. Become a better listener
  31. Practice slower breathing
  32. Try new things
  33. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today
  34. Doodle
  35. Click unsubscribe on some of your emails
  36. Go on a picnic
  37. Quit trying to fix other people
  38. Pet a dog or cat
  39. Cook a nice meal for yourself
  40. Take a nap
  41. Memorize a new joke
  42. Have goals for yourself
  43. Say hello to strangers
  44. Work at being cheerful and optimistic
  45. Do everything in moderation
  46. Recognize the importance of unconditional love
  47. Look at problems at challenges
  48. Get to work early
  49. Stretch your limits a little each day
  50. Dance
  51. Put safety first
  52. Read a poem
  53. Don’t rely on memory – write it down
  54. Hug your friends
  55. Have someone you can always vent to
  56. Be responsible for your own feelings
  57. Always make copies of important papers
  58. Be aware of the decisions you make
  59. Take a different route to work
  60. Learn to meet your own needs
  61. Set appointments ahead of time
  62. Look at challenges differently
  63. Remember that stress is an attitude
  64. Maintain your weight
  65. Keep a journal
  66. Teach a kid to fly a kite
  67. Ask for advice if you don’t like your job
  68. Learn the words to a new song
  69. Look up at the stars
  70. Believe in yourself
  71. Make a paper airplane
  72. Read a story in bed
  73. Take time to smell the flowers
  74. Repair anything that doesn’t work properly
  75. Talk less and listen more
  76. Always have a plan B
  77. Leave work early
  78. Avoid too tight fitting clothes
  79. Look for a silver lining
  80. Anticipate your needs
  81. Avoid negative people
  82. Get enough sleep
  83. Know your limitations and let others know them, too
  84. Listen to some good music
  85. Schedule play time into every day
  86. Have a support network of people, places and things
  87. Find support from others
  88. Stop a bad habit
  89. Exercise every day
  90. Strive for excellent instead of perfection
  91. Simplify meal times
  92. Do it today
  93. Avoid relying on medication, if possible
  94. Plant a tree
  95. Prepare for morning the night before
  96. Practice grace under pressure
  97. Stand up and stretch
  98. Say something nice to someone
  99. Stop procrastinating
  100. Remember you always have options

Maggie is a Sport Management major with minors in Business and Deaf Studies. She an avid netflix watcher so if you need any suggestions for a new series to watch, she's got you. Her end goal is to work for the US women's national soccer team or the Detroit Pistons!