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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

We have all been there, that New Years resolution that claims we will “go to the gym more this year.” But with this resolution put aside, this article goes out to those who do make the time to go to the gym. We are talking about gym-goer problems, the real-life struggles of us trying to get our fitness on. Here are just a few of the things that can be really irksome when trying to achieve that bikini body for summer.

No Ponytail, No Problem… Just kidding.

Forgetting a hair tie for the gym is one of the biggest struggles, especially if you’re a long-haired lady. Your hair just gets in your face and don’t even get us started about sweat. What’s even worse than forgetting a hair tie is bringing one and having it snap mid-workout. Now let’s wonder if the men who rock “man buns” are dealing with similar struggles. 

Phones, Ipods, You… TIMBERRR!

You’re just running along, burning away those calories on the elliptical and then all of a sudden… SMACK! Your music has now (somehow) managed to fly off of the machine onto the floor, thus ripping your headphones or earrbuds from your listening pleasure. There is nothing better than having to stop that momentum and scramble around the floor to retrieve your rogue phone or iPod. 

What’s worse that dropping your phone? You. Losing your footing can be quite embarrassing. But that’s okay, just pick yourself up and pretend like nothing happened. 

Awkward Flirting and Awkward Positions.

What is more awkard than someone trying to make a move on you while you’re trying to get your move on. Let’s be honest. There are quite a few exercise machines at the rec center that can put you in some silly positions. Thigh adductor/abductor machine anyone? No thank you. We would like to stretch in peace!

Sweat, it happens.

There is nothing sweet about sweat, asside from the fact that there is no escaping it. Just embrace it! It means that you’re doing a great job and you will feel the burn tomorrow! Sweat is natural, no matter if it’s awkward sweat in your sports bra, or you’re sweating off your makeup from earlier.

Feeling silly in an X-pass class, it also happens.

Whether its yoga, zumba, bootcamp, kick boxing, you name it! Almost every class has one move that is just a little… Well you know. But hey, if you’re having fun doing those downward dogs or getting your twerk on, then let loose! 

All in all, no matter how many struggles may arise at the gym, being active is good for you. So grab a buddy and head to the gym for some healthy fun!

Kylee Morgan. WWU. 21 years old. Communications and PR enthusiast. WWU Campus Correspondent.