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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

I think of productivity as being an endless cycle of to-do lists. I truly value hard work but I know, as well as understand, the importance of an off switch. Flipping the switch from an overwhelming workload to relaxing time for myself is important but unfortunately, I think a lot of people today aren’t flipping their switch from a hectic to normal lifestyle because of the weight that standards have over them.





It’s refreshing to see conversations happening pertaining to self-care and self-worth. I came across an Instagram post by France Corbel (@traintspourtraits) that read, “Your worth is not measured by your productivity.” I sat there and thought deeply on the purpose of this message and how it resonates with my own life. Thinking of my friends and people I look up to on the internet, I realized this message goes true for a lot of lives. On social media, I constantly see bloggers, celebrities, YouTubers, and entertainment business moguls declaring online that they need to take a step back and focus on themselves. Those types of people have to post something on social media for everyone to realize it’s normal to need a break and working yourself down to nothing is not worth it. For people like you and I who aren’t in the public eye, it’s sometimes more typical to see one another understand how filling up our lives with busyness and non-stop workaholic attitudes can be detrimental to our perception of self-worth.





I know I’m not alone in wanting to make the most out of my college career. From joining student organizations with leadership positions, staying on top of class assignments while also searching for a job come graduation, life is busy! Taking a step back and deep breaths can bring a fresh look to what you value most and work your way down the list. With that in mind though, quality is better than quantity. If your workload is too much, don’t drown yourself! Try delegating certain tasks or lessen the number of items you sign up to do weekly. Bottom line, no one wants to hear you bragging about all the stress you have from the number of things you have to do. Especially so when you aren’t finishing those tasks to the best of your ability.





Your worth is NOT measured by your productivity, ever.

Hi ladies and gents, my name is Mel, Melanie if you're feelin' fancy. I'm a senior studying advertising, political science and fashion at West Virginia University. In addition to my studies, I am the Campus Correspondent for the WVU HC Chapter! You can hear me on the radio at U92 FM reporting the news and hosting morning shows. If I'm not there, I'm most likely at the local Panera eating my body weight in broccoli cheddar soup or writing about the daily, awkward encounters I experience. I represenative of the college of media as an ambassador and the prez of the magazine club. Oversized sweatshirts and jean on jean are my aesthetics. Lover, not a fighter unless you tell me Joe Jonas wasn't the best Jonas. Laters, baby.