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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Being in college is tough, especially when you are trying to study for exams and drowning in homework every night, while trying to have a social life. Staying healthy can easily be forgotten when dealing with these responsibilities in college. Some students might not think healthy habits matter. If students start to include any of these 8 healthy tips into their lifestyle they will see great results and live a healthier, longer life.


1. Eat Smart

Diet… the word no one likes to see or hear. This is not about having a strict diet. This is about incorporating some healthier options into your life. Start looking at healthy snack options. As much as we might love ramen noodles, they are not the best to eat on a regular basis. Try with some simple healthy snacks like yogurt, oatmeal packets, deli meat, mixed nuts, or fruits and veggies. Try packing some of these healthier snacks for class to avoid getting fast food or unhealthy, overpriced snacks from the university vending machines.



2. Exercise

This is a lot simpler than some people might realize. Now, I’m not talking about going to the gym every day and lifting heavy weights. I’m talking about little things you can do here and there to help you stay active. Walking to class if you live on campus is always an easy way to get some exercise in. Exercising with a friend makes things more fun! Try taking a hike, or playing a game on the campus courts and fields. Most universities have a recreation center, hosting workout classes to keep you interested. Joining a sports club is a great way to keep you active and make more friends!



3. Sleep

It is really hard to go to bed early as a college student, almost unheard of. We are supposed to be getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night. When studying for exams we often stock up on energy drinks and study all night, leaving us with little or no time to sleep. By doing this we are consuming unhealthy beverages full of sugar and ruining our sleep schedule, this only will make us sleep deprived and less likely to remember what we studied. It is better to go to bed early and take short naps between classes.




4. Drink Water

Water is necessary for your body to process calories. Try to stay away from soda and sugary drinks. Drinking lots of water will help you from overeating, as well as keep you hydrated and functioning. If you are not a fan of water try adding some fresh fruit like cucumbers, lemons, or strawberries to help enhance the flavor and give you vitamins. You can also cut down the cost of buying plastic water bottles on campus by getting a reusable, filtered water bottle that you can fill at school.



5. Flu Shot

With all the germs on campus, I recommend getting the flu shot before school starts. This is one of the easiest ways to prevent yourself from getting sick. Many colleges provide flu shots and screenings at reduced prices. Most shots are under $25, which may seem like a lot, but it is cheaper than getting the flu later.


6. Stress Management 

In college, it is very easy to get overwhelmed and stress about everything. Giving yourself a break from school work is a good thing. If you are feeling overwhelmed, talk to a friend or professor! They may be able to help you with your work if you ask. You can also find something that relaxes you, whether it is a tv show, yoga, a hobby, or getting some fresh air! Whatever helps you during your break is always a great way to de-stress for a while.


7. Wash Your Hands

This might be something we learned since we were little and it’s to wash our hands! Washing your hands can prevent plenty of illnesses, which is especially important in college. Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and face. It is very easy for bacteria and viruses to enter your body through these membranes. If you ever feel like you are getting sick, head over to your university’s health and wellness center!


8. Time Management

By making a routine for yourself, you might feel less stressed and more productive! Do not over commit yourself to something because you might feel overwhelmed with all the things you are involved in. Try to stick with things you feel strongly about, whether it is Greek life, sports, or a club. Participate in what you can balance well into your school schedule. Just make sure you don’t overbook yourself. Poor time management can leave you stressed mentally and physically. Remember to keep your schedule open to what you can handle!


By maintaining these 8 lifestyle tips, you will begin to feel healthier and live a longer life!

 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"