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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Practicing self-love and self-care is something that can be extremely rewarding but often a task we forget to show ourselves. With mid-terms coming up and an abundance of stress, now is the most important time to be gracious to ourselves and show ourselves, love. However, it’s so easy to forget to do this when we have so much on our plates already.  

Taking care of ourselves does not have to be elaborate or take up much of our time. Sometimes the simplest things can make us feel so much better, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Below are some of my favorite activities to do to self-soothe when I’m not feeling my greatest and hopefully these can help you, too! 

  1. Take a nap  

Naps are controversial, as many people may think they’re a waste of time but I find napping to be one of the most rewarding forms of self-care if done properly. You can’t pour from an empty cup so getting a bit of rest during the day can completely rejuvenate you and make you feel so much better! There’s no shame in taking a nap, especially if you find yourself utterly exhausted and burnt out from school or work. Set an alarm, put on some white noise, and enjoy some snooze time to get back on track.  

  1. Create something  

Creating for the sake of creating is one of the biggest ways I show love to myself. I find myself getting wrapped up in assignments and obligations that it can be easy for me to neglect the creative parts of myself, such as painting, writing, drawing, and crocheting. Taking time during the evening or afternoon to sit down and simply make something because you want to is incredibly rewarding. Taking a break from work to create is good for our mental health as well since it qualifies as a “brain break”.  

  1. Write yourself a love letter  

This sounds corny but I have done this before, and it’s nice to sit down and think about the attributes and characteristics of yourself that you admire or enjoy. Sentence starters such as “I like ______ about myself” or describing your talents, milestones you’ve completed, or what makes you proud of yourself. This can be done as a journal prompt as well to look back on in the future.  

  1. Buy yourself flowers  

This is another one that’s simple but effective, and can really brighten up your space! Fresh flowers are beautiful and can last for days if taken care of properly. You can even buy or thrift a cute vase to keep them in, and then buy more flowers whenever those wilt! Stores usually have an abundance of flowers available, and some shops even have a flower bar where you can assemble your own bouquet.  

  1. Light a candle, wax melt, or use aromatherapy.  

Scents are a huge comfort to me and I always have to have a comfortable, familiar scent in my space. It’s especially helpful whenever I am having a bad day and need a familiar comfort around to self-soothe. Since I live in a dorm, wax melts and aromatherapy are my best friends and can really liven up the space when I’m not at my best. You can find your favorite scent by experimenting or researching what scents soothe what emotion/feeling. Lavender for restlessness, rosemary for anxiety, and peppermint for headaches are a few that can be used to help different negative emotions or feelings. Of course, these are not a cure-all and should not be used in place of medication, but can definitely aid in leavening symptoms.  

Abigail Smith

Winthrop '24

Howdy! My name's Abigail, but you can call me Abby. I'm a 3rd-year student at Winthrop University, majoring in Elementary Education. I love cartoons, history, video games, animals, horseback riding, reading, and of course writing!