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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

We all know how it feels to be hit on when it’s inconvenient, annoying, or just straight up weird. Ladies, I know you’ve all wanted to say exactly what you’re thinking when some strange guy tries to hit on you, so here are our responses to some of the absolute worst places to hit on a girl!

When she’s eating

Guys. Come on. If you think coming up to a girl while she’s stuffing her face with a burrito bowl and telling her she’s ~beautiful~ will get you anything, you’re kidding yourself. A girl that’s eating alone wants to do just that: eat alone. She doesn’t want your cheesy pick-up lines on top of her burrito, thanks very much.

When she’s working out

Ah, yes, please hit on me while I struggle to finish a mile on a treadmill. I definitely feel my cutest when my face is splotchy and I’m literally dripping sweat. If a girl already looks like she might throw up from running, chances are throwing a rehearsed line her way will make her actually vomit.

When she’s late

If you think it’s a good idea to stop someone that’s visibly late for something you seriously need to rethink your priorities. And no, a woman running late is not just an excuse to catcall her from the sidewalk. Get a life.

When she’s got headphones in

If you haven’t joined the 21st Century yet, having headphones on in public is the universal sign for “don’t talk to me”. Trying to hit on a girl that has headphones is just like asking for her to ignore you, which she was probably doing anyway.

When she’s studying

Do you really think throwing off a girl’s study groove is a good first impression? If she wasn’t already ignoring you, expect her to use her textbook to ignore you even harder, boys, because study time is NOT the time to hit on a working girl. 

When she’s with another guy

Honestly, this one’s for your benefit. If she’s with a guy, he’s either 1. her friend, 2. her brother, or 3. her boyfriend. Honestly, you’d be lucky if she slapped you before he got to you. I really hope you have more common sense than that.

When she’s working

Guys, your hostess/waiteress/cashier/any other job isn’t at work to be hit on. She’s actually–get this–there to work. Having to listen to bad pick-up lines isn’t in her job description, and calling her “sweetie” or “honey” is just patronizing. If you don’t like having your food spit in, leave a nice tip instead of catcalling an actual stranger.

Have any of these awful attempted pick-ups happened to you? Let us know if you have, and which one was your favorite!

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.