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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

When meeting a new person, often times the first thing we notice is how confident they are. Whether this is a professor, a friend or even a strange. The way people carry themselves is quite noticeable to those around them. How is their posture, their eye contact? Do they seem to be truly confident in what they are saying? Whether or not we admit it, we initially judge people off of these details. But for me, confidence goes deeper than just how we appear physically or on the outside. I believe confidence comes from within and it is something that needs to be practiced on a consistent basis. To me, confidence really comes down to someone who keeps promises to themselves.

Often, I meet people who tell me that they lack self-confidence. When people tell me this, I assume they have not consistently kept promises they make to themselves because the way I see it, self-confidence is really like your reputation with yourself. If you have got a great reputation with yourself and you know you can trust yourself, you’re not as bothered by what other people think about you, which in turn makes you appear more confident. Think back to when you have had a group project with people who didn’t do their part of the work. They say they will do it but never do, or end up doing a bad job last minute with no valid excuse. This not only makes the person less attractive to other members of the group, but it also clearly shows their lack of self-confidence. On the other hand, those with confidence are highly respected because they are investing all of themself into something they show a great amount of passion for.

Those who walk into a room with a high degree of confidence seem more attractive to those who see them. When observing traits in a future partner, especially the first time meeting them, we directly observe things like their confidence, personality, kindness and social status. We believe what people show us about themselves and in turn, we assume that their confidence or lack of confidence will reflect their actual value as a potential partner. Confidence is something that truly shines through when meeting new people. Confidence is an asset that shines through personal relationships, your own relationship with yourself and relations in the workplace. Everyone respects a person with confidence because with it, you are basically investing your heart and soul into something you feel passionate about.

In conclusion, having confidence in yourself is seen as a highly attractive trait to others and I believe it all comes down to consistently keeping promises with oneself. After all, if you aren’t confident in yourself, how can you expect others to be?

Julie Hanna

Wilfrid Laurier '23

Julie is a fourth-year business administration student at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is also pursuing a minor in environmental studies. She joined Wilfrid Laurier's Her Campus in the Fall of 2021 to pursue her childhood dream of becoming an author. When she is not writing, you can find her working out, playing the piano, spending time with friends and family, and trying out coffee shops.