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How to Keep Your Cool During Exam Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

Unfortunately it’s that time of year again: exam season. No one enjoys it. It’s long and tedious, not to mention super stressful! So here are some tips to help you keep your cool!

1. Start Early: As a student, it’s very common to put things off until the last moment. Why get a head start on studying when Netflix JUST released new movies? Do yourself a favor and log out! Avoid the stress of last minute cramming, by making a schedule and giving yourself plenty of time to study for every exam.

2. Get Plenty of Sleep: There is nothing worse than trying to study challenging material while struggling to keep your eyes open. There is only so much caffeine can do for you. With a planned schedule and productive days, there is no need for those all nighters!

3. Monitor Your Caffeine Intake: It’s very tempting to drink a few coffees to get that extra boost you need to prolong your studies, however, make sure you are monitoring your caffeine intake. Too much is not healthy! Switch it up with some water or juice for a nice and tasty change!

4. Eat Nutritious Meals: Time is tight during exams, making takeout and delivery attractive options. It’s important to ensure that you are getting all of the necessary vitamins and minerals in your diet, especially when you are exerting so much brainpower!

5. Avoid Distractions: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, television, radio, and pretty much everything else we love can be HUGE distractions during the exam season. Studying is boring, so falling into an endless cycle of social media creeping is a definite possibility. Don’t have what it takes to close the Facebook tab? Try the SelfControl application, its great!

6. Utilize Office Hours: Make sure to use your professors; it’s what they are here for! They are generally really helpful, and happy to aid a student in need. Don’t be afraid, they are there to help you!

Exams are tough, but we all have what it takes to get through them each semester! Follow these tips and your own tried and true study routines, and we will all make it through the exam season. Good luck, and happy studying, Golden Hawks! 

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Paige O'Grady

Wilfrid Laurier

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Chelsea Birtch

Wilfrid Laurier

Chelsea is one of the Campus Correspondent's for the HC WLU chapter! She has a passion for writing and is an avid reader who aspires to be an elementary school teacher. As well as being involved with Her Campus, she is also a sister of the Iota Theta chapter of Alpha Phi.