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Delish Quinoa Salad Recipe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

This 5 ingredient, gluten free, healthy lunch…. is amazing! AND so easy to make/take to school!

Here’s what you’ll need…

– Quinoa 

– Cherry Tomatoes

– Cucumber 

– Goat Cheese

– Ranch Dressing 

And here’s why it rocks…

Quinoa is a great gluten-free source of protein, iron, and fiber! It’s quick to make (cooks in about 20 minutes) and is super flavourful way to get a serving of healthy whole grains into you!

Tomatoes have been referred to as a “functional food,”… a food that goes beyond basic need. Tomatoes also play a role in preventing chronic disease while also providing Vitamin C & K!

Cucumber is a good source of potassium, vitamin C, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin B1. They also contain the important nail health-promoting mineral silica!

Goat cheese is easier on the human digestive system and lower in calories, cholesterol and fat than other cheeses. It’s also a good source of calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin K, and phosphorus!

A little ranch dressing (in moderation)… just makes it taste even more yummy! 


Kellie Anderson is incredibly proud and excited to be Western Ontario's Campus Correspondent for the 2015-2016 year. She is currently in her fourth year of Media Information & Technoculture, and has an overflowing passion for creative writing. While Kellie loves to get wildly creative while writing fictional short stories, she has found that her true passion is in shedding light towards hard-hitting topics like Mental Illness - she believes that writing is the best healer. Kellie has some pretty BIG plans for her future and can't wait to graduate as a Her Campus Alumni! You can contact her at kellieanderson@hercampus.com.