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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

I have lived in Canada my whole life, so I’ve experienced all types of winters, -40 Celsius and winters where I don’t even see snow. Now that building snowmen and snowball fights have become a smaller part of my life, winter is a time of year I just have to get through. I’m sure many of you feel the same way. 

The days are shorter, it’s colder, my lips and skin are always dry and flakey, and there’s virtually no sunshine. Sure, there is Christmas to look forward to, but January and February are probably the worst months of the year. I wanted to start enjoying my life again during this time because I’m young and I don’t want to feel like I’m wasting my life away! So, I discovered some hacks that have helped me enjoy winter, and want to share them with those who feel the same way. 

The first thing I did was get a sunlight lamp/alarm clock. This is great for helping me wake up in the dark winter mornings when the sun isn’t up until 8:00 a.m… Sunlight is essential for our body’s production of serotonin, one of our happy chemicals. During many days in the winter, the sun doesn’t come out from behind the clouds, so artificial replenishment is definitely needed.

I also love using scents to spice up my space since I’m stuck inside all season. Having a cozy space is a very important aspect of winter. So, to make your space feel cozier, try adding colourful blankets, pillows, art you like, and most of all, candles. One of the best parts of living somewhere where the seasons change is new candle scents! Diffusers are also great for aromatherapy. They can help with sleep issues, anxiety and even getting over colds and flu. 

Next, I suggest you make sure to move your body! This one is kind of obvious, but even a short walk every day is important to get your brain working.

Mental health is always worse in the winter, at least for me. I love natural remedies that help control my depression and anxiety symptoms. Bach’s Rescue Remedy is great for anxious tummies – an amazing cure for the intense Sunday scaries of the winter. I also love L-Theanine and vitamin A, which help with anxiety without making you drowsy. Vitamin D3 is essential for me as well, especially since I have red hair and can barely absorb it as it is. 

CBD gummies and balms are the best thing ever invented and do an even better job of calming nerves. 

Along with this, don’t forget to treat yourself to some winter goodies like hot chocolate or a new cozy sweater. You’re likely spending less money going out, so you’ll have some extra for a treat every now and then. 

The last thing I did was adopt a winter hobby to look forward to, like ice skating or skiing. I started snowboarding, which has motivated me to actually enjoy the season, and even learn to appreciate it. Having snow outside now means I can do one of my favourite hobbies!

I hope these suggestions help someone out there the same way they’ve helped me. 

Lexie Brown

Western '23

Lexie is in her fourth year studying Media, Information and Technoculture at Western University. In her free time she loves fashion, going on hikes with her dog, watching movies with friends and painting (very simple) paintings.