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Ins & Outs Of 2024

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at West Chester chapter.

In honor of the TikTok trend, I would like to share my Ins & Outs of 2024. Maybe this will inspire you to add new ideas to your list or to create one. 

Ins (what do I hope to keep or add in my life)
  • Therapy
    • Tune into my previous article about my journey with therapy. Last semester I stopped therapy, and saw a change in my mental health. So, in January, I made it a task to call my insurance agency to find a therapist using my mental health benefits. Today, I meet with a therapist every Tuesday at 8 am–and it has only improved my mental health every day. I believe everyone should find a therapist as we all need someone to talk to even if it is about miniscule happenings in our daily life. Many people think they have to go through something, or be diagnosed with a mental illness to go to therapy; but that is not the case. Every individual deserves to have a trusted individual in their life who will listen to them and provide them with objective advice and feedback. 
  • Engage in a “life is too short” mentality
    • This year I learned the importance of life, and about how each day is not promised to us. If you like someone’s outfit–compliment them. I guarantee you that it will make their day shine a little brighter. If you find someone attractive, ask for their number because you may never see them again (and if you do see them again and it doesn’t go well, hold your head up. It’s not that deep). If you are nervous to do something, step out of our comfort zone. It can bring you more opportunities and happiness than you could have ever imagined. We have the privilege of life, and I believe it is worth living. Instead of being nervous of how someone else will react, let’s take that leap of faith for ourselves. Because, above all else, our opinion is what matters most. 
  • Mixing metals
    • “Ins and Outs” do not have to be very intense either. I want to upgrade my style this year, and one way I hope to do so is by mixing metals–my rings, necklaces, earrings, etc. Although it may not seem like it, this is a huge challenge for me this year as my brain does not approve of mixing jewelry. My entire life I was either a “silver girl” or a “gold girl”, never both. 
  • Take care of myself
    • Many times when you hear “self-care”, you may think of going on a date with yourself or journaling. Although these are acts of self-care and important ones; I hope to take care of myself in more intentional and simpler ways. I want to drink more water because its benefits are limitless–whether it is glowing skin or a healthy digestive system. Also, I take care of myself by taking a long, steaming hot everything shower. Everything showers are healing, and will help you clean off the stressful day that you might have had, and make you feel rejuvenated into the hot girl you are. 
  • Be on time
    • If you ask any of my friends, I am considered “that” late friend. The friend that everyone expects a “sorry, I will be 5 minutes late” text a few minutes before we are supposed to leave for an event. I have noticed the negative impacts of this behavior, for myself and others in my life, so this is something I have been more intentional about.
Outs (what I hope to take out of my life)
  • Self sabotage
    • I am the queen of self-sabotage, and if you do the same: dial in because we must be stopped. Something I struggle with is thinking I am not good enough. However, it is important to remind ourselves that we are deserving of the utmost form of happiness and love. This leads me to my next point… 
  • Negative self talk
    • Even if it is considered a “joke” (ex. if you forget what you are saying, and immediately say under your breath “I’m so dumb”), you should never talk negatively about yourself. As you continue to say these things, your mind will begin to believe these negative thoughts subconsciously. You are in fact not dumb, or ugly, or unworthy. Instead, you must be your #1 motivator, your #1 fan. Instead say to yourself, “I am always growing in my thoughts” or “my mind, body, and heart is beautiful.” 
  • Excessive spending
    • I am all for spending money; however, a girl is so broke right now. I found myself spending money for short-term happiness, or as a form of therapy. Although I am always down for a sweet treat, I shouldn’t spend money on $10 Stracciatella gelato from D’Ascenzos in West Chester because of every minor inconvenience. If I had a stressful week at school, I should not use it as an excuse to go on a shopping spree at H&M. I definitely believe we should treat ourselves, but if the funds do not support the treats, we should find happiness in other (inexpensive) ways. 
  • People/things that drain your energy
    • This is your life, and you have control over it. Use your power to only allow people and things that fill your cup. If someone does not check off your boxes, and makes you feel less than who you are–this is your reminder to remove them from your circle. You do not owe anyone anything, especially if they negatively impact you. I have noticed a negative result of being on my phone, so I am actively trying to reduce my screen time. For example, my phone automatically locks in the morning until 10am. Instead of scrolling on my phone as soon as I wake up, I use that time to eat a quick breakfast, make my bed, or journal for 5 minutes. Additionally, I set a 1-hour limit on TikTok. If I find myself doom scrolling at 3 AM, I am intentional with my actions, and turn off my phone because it does not benefit my mental or emotional health. Remember you can only pour from your cup, and make a positive impact, if you fill your cup first. 
  • Biting my nails
    • Self-explanatory. This is an example of an everyday negative habit that has become so normalized, yet is still important to remove. 

After sharing some of mine, I urge you to open your Notes app and jot down a few Ins & Outs that you hope to incorporate into 2024. It is only February–it’s never too late to remove old habits from your life to replace it with good energy. This can be the first step you take in achieving the most important “in”: to take care of yourself. Take care of your mind, body, and soul because you are deserving of the most fruitful life. 

Rachel Jason

West Chester '26

Rachel Jason is an Elementary Education major with a minor in Journalism at West Chester University. Rachel's love for writing began in her pink diary and watching reruns of Rory Gilmore becoming the next Christiane Amanpour. She is ready to spark conversations on white privilege, self-love, and her favorite foods! With her beautiful readers, Rachel is ecstatic to explore the world and all it has to offer.