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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

The holidays have come and gone, and we are now in the utterly dreary and depressing end of winter months. January has been my least favorite month for as long as I can remember. Without the holidays and winter break to look forward to, the darkness at 4 pm and almost constant overcast start to become especially unbearable. I have cultivated a list of my top tricks for making it through the rest of winter. 

Get away from campus

This seems fairly intuitive but I have definitely struggled with this. Freshman year, I spent most of winter quarter hunkering down in my dorm room doing homework. I rarely went anywhere beyond the few miles extending from UVillage to the Ave. In the winter, I have a lot less motivation to accept invites for going out when I would rather be inside having a movie night with my roommates. While I am still partial to staying in, I think it is vital to make an effort to get away from campus and studies for a bit. While writing this, I am currently on the Amtrak to Vancouver for the long-weekend with my roommates. Getting away from campus doesn’t necessarily have to be a trip but rather getting out of our school routines. Taking the link to Captiol Hill for some shopping or taking the ferry to Bainbridge are other great ways to switch things up. 

Get as much sunlight as possible

Season Affective Disorder is no joke, especially in Seattle. In the winter, I often come to the realization that I haven’t seen the sun for weeks at a time. For the past month, I have been getting outside the moment I see even a hint of sunlight. It usually doesn’t last long, but those ten minutes I spent in my yard or on the benches in the quad make a huge difference. I also recommend purchasing a Happy Light or some other type of light therapy lamp. Despite living here my whole life, I never saw the need to get one. However, after finally ordering one on Amazon a few weeks ago, I can tell you that they really do work. 

Find new study spots to romanticize homework

While I usually study at my kitchen table, finding cute study spots helps me get out of the house while still being productive. Also, statistics homework is a lot more enjoyable while consuming a pastry and a latte. Some of my favorite study spots nearby are Cafe Allegro, Tea Republik, Leon Coffee House, and Ugly Mug Cafe.

Get excited about the little things

I have started purchasing collections of various tea mixes that I get to try every morning. This gives me something to be excited about when I wake up. My roommates and I have also been experimenting with different recipies. We save specific recipies on Instagram and plan which meals we want to make during the week. This gives me something to look forward to after a long day of classes. It also makes dinner an enjoyable event rather than a frozen meal I toss in the microwave to eat while studying.

Anjali Schatzer

Washington '25

Anjali is a junior at University of Washington studying informatics. She is passionate about technology and sciences, but enjoys writing as a hobby.