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Facial Mapping: What It Is and How It Can Help You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Breakouts are annoying, but did you know that there might be more to your acne than simply being a nuisance? Introducing facial mapping: the concept of correlating the location of your acne to specific underlying issues. 

Facial mapping has both Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic roots and it is based on the belief that acne on different parts of your face are actually hinting at different issues relating to your overall health. If you have ever wondered why that pimple between your brows just won’t go away, read on to find out what your acne means and how to get rid of it once and for all. 


If you are breaking out…..


on your forehead, it may be a sign of stress, improper diet, poor digestion, and/or lack of sleep.

Try to incorporate regular exercise into your routine and take up meditation to calm any stresses or anxieties. If you are wondering what to do now that gyms are no longer an option, try doing some yoga, HIIT bodyweight workouts, or dance cardio in your living room. Working out from home does not require dropping thousands of dollars on a state-of-the-art home gym- it can be as simple as changing into some activewear and playing a video on your phone. 

In times of uncertainty, it is perfectly normal to be stressed and anxious. We are all coping with COVID-19 and its effects differently and to say that whatever our routines were has been disrupted is an understatement. While it can be tempting to order from a rotation of fast food joints and stress-eat your way through self-isolation, remember that everything in moderation is often the best way to go. 

Quarantine could be a good time to try out some healthy and tasty recipes. The Internet is an amazing resource for finding inspiration for new and seasoned cooks alike. Cooking can be an incredibly rewarding act of self-care, and food tastes that much better when you intentionally prepare it and gain an understanding of where your ingredients are coming from. Healthy eating is often synonymous with bland salads and green juice chock-full of vegetables you hated as a child but that couldn’t be further from the truth! If you’re stuck on what to make for dinner, a quick Instagram search or a few minutes on TikTok should give you an idea. 

The days of the week may all blend together now, but that doesn’t mean that you should neglect the importance of maintaining a healthy sleep schedule. If you have been struggling with the consequences of staying up way too late watching Netflix or scrolling through Insta, making an effort to go to bed at the same time each night will help overhaul your sleep schedule. The recommended sleep for adults is somewhere between 7 to 9 hours per night, but listen to your body and do what you feel is right. 

If possible, Dr. Thanuja Hamilton, a board certified sleep specialist, recommends that you go to bed at the same time three days in a row, and note what time to wake up on the third morning. The amount of hours slept should give you an idea of how many hours of sleep you personally need, and you can work backwards from what time you would like to wake up and find your ideal bedtime! 


along your hairline, consider switching to a clean shampoo and make sure you are removing your makeup and SPF properly before bed. For an overall skin detox, ditch your makeup for now and let your skin breathe. If you need a bit of coverage for those Zoom lectures or virtual happy hours, try using a tinted moisturizer instead of a full-coverage foundation. 


between your eyebrows, it could be an indication that your liver needs a little more TLC. The liver is responsible for detoxifying your body and pimples in this area can indicate a build-up of toxins within your body. In this case, toxins take the form of food, drinks, stress, and any other substances you ingest or surround yourself with. Not drinking enough water can also prevent your liver from doing its job properly. In short, cutting down on processed foods, alcohol, and dairy and making sure that you are getting enough sleep should help keep breakouts in this area to a minimum. 


on your cheeks, avoid holding your cell phone up to your face while talking. Cell phones are notorious for being extremely dirty and most of us probably aren’t cleaning them enough. Instead, put it on speaker or plug in some headphones when chatting. On this note, refraining from touching your face will reduce the amount of bacteria transferred from the hands to the face (not to mention keep the germs away). Changing your bedsheets and pillowcases at least once a week and switching to a silk pillowcase can also be very helpful. Also, look into non-comedogenic beauty products to rule out any blemishes forming because of allergies or sensitivities and be sure to remove your makeup thoroughly every night and wash your face twice a day. 


on your chin and around your jawline, it might be a reproductive issue. That sounds scary, but it’s really just referring to hormonal acne and any hormonal imbalances related to your period. If you notice an increase of acne popping up around your chin before or during that time of the month, it could be a sign that your hormones are a bit out of whack. 

If you struggle with hormonal acne, read my article on seed cycling to find out how you can regulate your hormones. If you are concerned about persistent hormonal acne and/or other severe PMS symptoms, schedule an appointment with your doctor and get your hormones and thyroid levels tested. 


on your nose, it could be a sign of high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol. Increasing physical activity could help, as can cutting down on salt and alcohol, reducing stress, and reducing (read: quitting) smoking. 


Facial mapping is intended to be a guide to help you make sense of your acne. If skin problems persist, it’s always a good idea to seek out a dermatologist. Nonetheless, maintaining a healthy diet and making a point of sticking to a balanced lifestyle never hurt anybody, and could prove especially comforting during this pandemic.