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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Before coming to college, I fell into a trap of waking up late every day. Especially over the first few months of quarantine, I found my daily schedule had shifted about 5 hours. Used to waking up at seven every day for school and going to bed around midnight, once school was canceled, I basked in the glory of sleeping in. Eventually, though, it became a habit– to the point where I couldn’t sleep at night. I began falling asleep closer to three or four in the morning and not getting out of bed until noon or one. It was a vicious cycle.

Coming into college, I decided to make a change. I still have my late nights, and most nights I really don’t fall asleep until past one in the morning, but I still force myself to wake up at least around 8 am. Here’s why:

1. Starting on the right foot

We’ve all had those mornings: waking up to the beep of your alarm, feeling just a little too well-rested, and realizing you’ve overslept. Jumping out of bed and scrambling around your room to get ready, heart racing. I think we can all agree that this is the worst way to start the day. Waking up just a little earlier gives you time to adjust, take your time getting ready, and start the day on the right note.

2. Breakfast

Waking up early gives you the chance to eat a delicious and nourishing breakfast! Even if you’re like me and not a huge breakfast person, I know I always look forward to the mornings when I can sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee to kick-start my day.

3. You feel so productive

Perhaps the best thing about waking up early is that you just feel so productive. I personally get the most work done in the mornings and reflecting on your day later, you will realize just how much you got done. Plus, being productive in the morning allows you to unwind in the evenings, may give you time to hang out with friends or watch a movie, and generally feel more relaxed throughout the day.

4. Exercise

One of my favorite things to do on an early morning is go for a run. Not only does early rising build more time into your schedule for physical activity, but morning exercise also improves productivity and your mindset for the rest of the day. Even if you don’t feel like pursuing a full-blown workout, a short walk outside on early mornings can completely transform your mood.

5. Meditation

Finally, waking up early is peaceful. When you wake up early and there’s no noise outside yet, you may find yourself wanting to stay in bed and just stare at the ceiling for a bit. Avoid the temptation of immediately reaching for your phone and do it! If you’re awake enough, you can even turn on some light music and just let your body relax- you’ll feel calm for the rest of the day!

I never thought I would consider myself an early riser, but alas, here we are. I’ve grown to love it, and you will too!

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