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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

With minimal access to treadmills and freezing cold weather, it’s been easy to skip out on a run. But it’s finally getting nice out again in St. Louis, which means those excuses no longer stand. It’s easier said than done, so here are some tips to help motivate you to get up, get out, and go for a run.

1. Make a playlist: spend time curating a list of songs that will keep you pumped-up throughout your run. If a podcast or audiobook is more your speed, download one you’ve been meaning to listen to before your run.

2. Pick out an outfit: putting on a good pair of leggings, your favorite sports bra or a cute coordinated set can make all the difference. Don’t underestimate the confidence boost that can come from what you choose to wear.

3. Find a buddy: run with a friend to help hold each other accountable and to enjoy each other’s company while you run!

4. Set realistic goals: don’t expect to run three 6-minute miles on your first go; improving your running takes time and practice just like anything else. Don’t start with unrealistic expectations that will lead to disappointment. It’s important to make this experience feel like an enjoyable one and not a punishment.

5. Explore your area: take this as an opportunity to explore a new neighborhood or get to know your area (as long as it is safe!). Find routes in a nearby park, learn the house numbers on your street, and find new stores or cafes to visit.

6. Plan it into your schedule: it’s easy to prioritize other work and activities until your run gets pushed to the end of your to-do list. To avoid this, add your run into your schedule to ensure that you give yourself this time and stick to it. Remember, a run does not have to take up that much time; you can probably always find an extra 20 minutes in your day!

7. Timing matters: when you plan to run can be an important factor in keeping you excited for it. A morning jog can be a great way to kick-start a productive day, you can use an afternoon run to break up long hours studying, or an evening run can help clear your head after a busy day.

So lace up your sneakers, put in your headphones, and get running this spring!

Sophia is a sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis, interested in studying Psychology with a writing minor.
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