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How to Deal with the Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

As the leaves color and the air cools, the holy season is just around the corner. During this transition of seasons, we keep ourselves warm by staying in bed longer and, little by little, we become hesitant to leave our homes. This may be merely a seasonal slump, but for some, the winter blues is more serious.

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What is this feeling?

Winter depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is depression that tends to occur as the day become shorter during autumn and winter (MedicineNet). Scientifically, it is said that the decreasing amount of sunlight and lower temperatures can change chemicals inside the brain and trigger this kind of feeling. Young women are the most likely to experience this type of depression (National Institute of Mental Health).

Signs and Symptoms of SAD

What are some characteristics of SAD? They are generally the same as normal depression, except for the fact that it is affected by the change of seasons. Below are some common signs of depression.

・Feeling depressed or hopeless

・Losing enthusiasm

・Having low energy

・Experiencing changes in appetite

・Craving more carbohydrates

・Social withdrawl

Treatment of SAD

One main medical treatment would be light therapy as one of the main causes for this symptom is the lack of light. Health care providers usually recommend light therapy boxes, which mimic outdoor light. These are placed in front of you as you conduct your daily activities. However, there are other ways we can deal with it ourselves. If you are feeling some kind of depression, it may be effective to try some of these strategies out.

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1. Get exposure to light

You can go outside on a sunny day, or even just sitting by the window makes a difference. Going for a walk under the sun is an easy way to get more exposure to light.

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2. Eat healthier

The chilly weather can make you crave carbohydrates as well as more sugar. Try to manage a healthy diet and include some fruits and vegetables. Of course, when there is a gathering, you can just help yourself to delicious food. Eating tasty dishes can also boost your happiness! 

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3. Get active

Doing simple exercises 30 minutes a day can make a big difference on your mental and physical health.

The winter blues can affect anyone. It is important to face it and treat it before it gets serious.  This way, you can enjoy the holiday season.

Liberal Arts student obsessed with books, music, movies and all things creative. American, Japanese, and an honorary Canadian.