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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

By: Ariana Torres

In college, I have noticed that it is sometimes difficult to make time for myself in between balancing classes, friends, and involvement. Whether I am having a tiring day or just need some time designated to self-care, this is my go-to dorm room routine. 


  1. Face masks

My favorite face masks to use are the Origins Clear Improvement active charcoal mask and the Origins Drink Up Intensive overnight mask. I usually use a charcoal-based mask when I am breaking out, and I use the overnight one when my skin is drier than usual.  The Drink Up Intensive mask is also great if you don’t have much time because it works the same as a moisturizer, so you can sleep with it on and don’t need to worry about washing it off in the morning!


2. Mani-Pedi

I always feel best when I have a full mani-pedi, but it is usually hard for me to find time to go to a salon off-campus every other week. This semester, I have stocked up on a variety of nail polish and I have been giving myself mani-pedis in my dorm room! 


3. Netflix

Amid a busy day or after lots of studying, it is always important to give your brain a break. My absolute favorite way to kill time or take short breaks from doing class work is by watching Netflix or videos on YouTube. If I am in the middle of binge-watching a show (like I currently am doing with The Handmaid’s Tale), I will use it as motivation to get my work done quickly so I can relax and keep watching. 


4. Yoga

I have recently found a new love for yoga. Although there are a few yoga studios in Winston-Salem, I bought a cheap yoga mat to have in my dorm room. I designate 15-30 minutes of each day to a stretch or core routine. I usually make up the routines on the spot, but there are plenty of beginner yoga routine videos online! (@howtopracticeyoga on Instagram is awesome!)




Wake Forest Chapter of Her Campus
Claire Fletcher

Wake Forest '20

Mathematical Business Major at Wake Forest University