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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

It’s that time of the semester. We’re a month into classes, and exams and projects are flying at us left and right. The frantic search for an internship or job continues. As you strap in and prepare for the rollercoaster of assignments, don’t forget:

Friends and partners may be temporary, and that is okay.

No matter how hard you try, you can not force someone to be in your life. Sometimes, the closure that we were hoping for never comes. But you know what is worse than the absence of closure? Constantly dedicating your time and energy to someone unwilling or unable to reciprocate it. You might have to put yourself back together, but just know that the permanent people in your life will be there to help you every step of the way.

Eat! And no, ramen does not count!

We have all been there– pushing ourselves to the extreme, spending late nights hunched over a laptop while frantically searching through a textbook. The life of a college student is far from easy, but try to make things easier on yourself with a quick break. Spend a few minutes making a snack to fuel your body. No-bake energy balls are the perfect pick me up! I beg you, do not just rely on coffee! Treat yourself to a cup or two, but be sure you complement it with some real food.

Set a small goal each month that you hope to accomplish.

When school or work becomes too much, focus your attention elsewhere. Maybe it is mastering an eyeshadow tutorial with your favorite palette or cooking that dish you have all over Pinterest. Stuffed sweet potatoes are now my go-to meal! They are easy to make and leave me with plenty of leftovers for later in the week! Whatever it may be, don’t be afraid to dive in headfirst.

We are in a new decade, so kick it off the right way and remember that you are so much more capable than you think! Do not let your worries and stress rule you. Confront them with an ambition to defeat them and a fire ignited by your love for your major, your passion, and your future.

Camden Carpenter

Virginia Tech '21

Senior studying Smart and Sustainable Cities, with hopes to become a traveling urban developer. Attemping to embody "Carpe Diem" in her everyday life, both physically by getting a tattoo of the quote, and mentally by taking risks while trying to maximize each day's full potential.
Proud to be Virginia Tech's Her Campus chapter!