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The Tips You Need to Get Your Life Together

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Villanova chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably at the point in the semester where your calendar is
stacked, your inbox is overflowing with unread emails, and you feel like your brain is about to
Learning how to manage your time at college is hard, and it’s even harder when you want to
have fun, pass your classes, and set yourself up for success all at the same time. When our plates
get full, we often sacrifice our sanity just to cram in one more activity, even when we know we
shouldn’t. Keep reading for some of my best tips to tackle a busy schedule without losing your

1. Plan, Plan, Plan

If you’ve never been a planner, this is your sign to start. Planning out your day-to-day is the easiest way to stay on track and make sure all those little things don’t slip your mind. Whether you use a paper planner, sticky notes, or the Notes app on your phone (my go-to), being able to check back on your to-do list is a lifesaver during busy weeks.

2. Schedule Self-Care

Scheduling school responsibilities is important, but so is penciling in self-care. Some of my favorite self-care activities are reading, organizing my room, or going for walks while listening to a podcast/playlist. I highly recommend Spotify’s Happy Beats mix if you’re looking for an upbeat, good-mood playlist. Self-care can look different for everyone if it helps you step away from the stressful stuff and lets you focus on yourself.

3. Keep up the communication

No matter what’s stressing you out, it’s important to talk about it. If you need more time or help on an assignment, don’t be afraid to reach out to your professors or fellow classmates. If you’re the president of a club and you need some support, learn how to delegate responsibilities to your other club members. These are useful skills that will ensure that you’re not spreading yourself too thin. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help!

4. Surround yourself with a support system

Communication is important, but it’s useless without a support system to communicate with. Forming a circle that you trust can be challenging, but the right resources are out there. Make it a point to connect with academic resources like teaching assistants, mentors, or advisors, who can guide you in the right direction. Reach out to friends, your RA, family, or even your pets for emotional support. For me, calling my mom never fails to make me feel better. 


There will be many times when you feel the pressure to say yes to one more activity or project, even when you know you shouldn’t. It’s good to be mindful of your commitments and capabilities, so you’re less likely to end up in situations where you need to back out.

While these are just a few of my best tips to help you get back on track, there are many other things you can do that better suit your lifestyle. If your stress is becoming unmanageable, it’s extremely important to seek out other resources (whether that’s on-campus or not) that can help you work through it. You got this!

Shea Murphy

Villanova '24

Shea is a student at Villanova University studying Environmental Science and Spanish. She loves the beach and anything with cheese.