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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

The hardest aspect of running and exercising in general is getting started, but once started it’s almost impossible to stop. It’s not difficult to become addicted to the feeling of the wind brushing past each hair on your body, causing cool drops of sweat to trickle down your parched skin. Once a routine is established only one thing can stop you, injury.

To no longer be able to find solace in the one activity that calms your mind and cleanses your body from the stress and anxiety each day brings is disconcerting and troublesome. Prevention is the best treatment for running induced injuries, but sometimes, the most proactive treatments might not be enough to counter the strain introduced to your muscles and tendons by running.

Many runners find themselves affected by “runner’s knee.” This is a general term that encompasses a broad range of symptoms related to knee pain. Most commonly affected runners exhibit a wearing away of the cartilage surrounding the kneecap and is caused by the overuse and misalignment of the knee. To prevent this, it is important to strengthen those muscles most impacted by running such as the quadriceps and surrounding thigh muscles. Avoid running on hard, dense surfaces like concrete and wear shoe inserts to correct misalignment.

Shin splints are often seen as a result of rapid change in your workout routine. This includes increasing the distance or length of time during which you run over a short period of time. Shin splints are categorized by a group of symptoms associated with pain along the front or side of the tibia, and can be prevented by strengthening the core, hips and ankles.

In some cases, runners may experience inflammation of the plantar fascia, or the ligament running from the heel to the toes. Often, there is no apparent cause of pain associated with plantar fasciitis, but the inflamed ligament is often seen in those with high arches and tight calf muscles. Prevention includes regular calf stretching and icing of the affected area.

Running can have a considerable impact on the body, whether it be positive or negative. As liberating as it may seem, it is vital to rest and take the appropriate precautions to remain healthy and active.  

Image source: 1, 2, Eleanor Ritzman, 4

She is black, but she is not bitter. She is stern, but she is not rigid. She is tolerant, but she is not weak-minded. She is powerful, but she is not intimidating. She is wise but she is not all-knowing. She is spiritual, but she is not divine. She is analytical, but she is not uninspired. She is female, but she cannot be muted. 
Keziah is a writer for Her Campus. She is majoring in Fashion Design with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. HCXO!