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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

One of the ugliest things in this world is body shaming. The phrase “body shaming” means to put someone down and/or judge them because of the way that they look or how their body is shaped. This causes the victim more than just low self-esteem and insecurity, but a more drastic issue dealing with their lives. It has long lasting effects for them and the people around them.

This body shaming issue has always been prominent in today’s society and culture worldwide. Approximately 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal body shape. Unfortunately, only 5% of women naturally possess the body type often portrayed by Americans in the media. Disease is among the youth and it is killing people everyday because of judgmental people in this world. To body shame someone is just the same as bullying someone. The result is both the same, the victim is hurt and often times, depressed. Is it because of the media? Is it the way they present certain things to today’s youth? There are so many questions that cannot be given a straightforward answer. That’s an issue within itself. Our youth today look at the media and want to be like that man or woman on the screen. This is very prominent in children ages 7 to 15. Just take a look at some at the stats:

  • 89% of girls have dieted by age 17
  • 15% of young women have disordered eating
  • 81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat
  • 9% of nine year olds have vomited to lose weight


Wow, this is pretty shocking. For a 10 year old to be afraid to be fat or a 9 year old throwing up to lose weight is ridiculous. This shows that it causes long-term issues with body shaming starting at such a young age.If you are way too focused on how a person looks, you must not have the ability to love yourself. Everyone is equal, no matter how they look or how big or small they are.

To know someone is being bullied in this way, say something. The issue starts with noticing the problem and then doing something about it. Don’t stand there silently; take a stand to body shaming. 


Hello, Paige Buchanan is currently a junior mass media major and journalism minor at Valdosta State University. She loves the art of writing and media. Her career goal is to be a News Anchor. She loves to socialize with new people, explore her options in every aspect, and has many goals set for herself. She always has loved the quote "The Sky Isn't The Limit, It's Only The View" Follow her on Instagram and Twitter: paige_beauty96
Her Campus at Valdosta State.