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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

During this month, let’s all take a moment to talk about ways to take time for ourselves by having a little chat about self care! Self care looks different for every individual so let’s talk about some of our options!

Exercise is a common form of stress relief as well as physical and mental care. Exercise allows you to push yourself physically while giving your mental state a break. Thankfully most college campuses have Rec Centers that students are allowed to use for free has part of our pass time. The Rec Center at VSU is used by many students has a daily place to go when they need a break from their studies. From rock climbing to basketball and swimming, you can find almost any form of physical relaxation. Some even do yoga in the privacy of their own space at home.

While exercise is a common form, not everyone likes breaking a sweat has a way to break down mental stress. Some prefer to curl up with a good book or a good playlist. Perhaps even a good show or movie. This tends to be a more serene way to breakdown and relax. A nice book under a shaded tree is always a good way to relax after a stressful day of homework and class. Or even in a quiet corner of the library.

Personally, getting some snacks and watching TV with my best friends is my favorite stress reliever. After a long hard day there is nothing some quality time with friends can’t cure. A good ole study session with friends can always help you succeed in class while being able to relax.

At the end of the day it’s important that every person find their own way to relax and easy their mind. No one should feel has if they aren’t able to find a form a peace. If you feel that way, please reach out to someone. You are not alone. You are valued and important. Do not forget that!

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April Corbitt

Valdosta '25

I’m a very friendly person. I’ll talk to absolutely anyone about anything. I love to hear others views on literally anything. I’m a very political person. My major is actually political science and I’m pre-law. My goal is to be a child rights attorney. I want to save the children that have no one fighting for them. We all deserve to have a voice so I want to be a voice for those who aren’t able to speak. Together, we can all educate our generation to stop the cycle and make the world a better place!