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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

It’s time to kick sweet tea to the curb. Many of you probably just cringed at the thought of it, but we could be doing so much better for our bodies! I’m not just talking about getting healthy and eliminating sugar, but green tea has some amazing properties which makes it a must have for everyone. If you can’t completely drop the classic southern drink, at least give the green a shot. You may be surprised at the pleasant results:

1. Make your skin love you again.

Antioxidants. Green tea is overflowing with it and it is a key component in most of the benefits we get from the tea. Drinking on a regular basis will make a difference in your skin and bring back the glow you forgot you had. If you still think you couldn’t stomach a cup of the drink, take a bath in it. Yes, a bath! As the tub fills up with hot water, drop in 5-10 tea bags and let it rejuvenate your skin. Think of it as a cheap alternative to a bath bomb. It is surely not as pretty, but it’s all about the skin, right?


2. Say goodbye to bags under your eye!

Heat up a cup of water with two tea bags. Once the water is heated and the tea bags have had time to be fully activated, remove the satchels from the cup and allow them to cool. Don’t let all the heat escape; just give it enough time so it won’t burn to the touch. Place the warm tea bags under over your closed eyes for five to ten minutes. This gives the antioxidants a chance to work closely with those dreaded dark and puffy circles and help them out.


3. Hair like Rapunzel?

Shiny, soft, and strong, isn’t that what all girls want for their hair? Green tea will certainly get you there. Drinking it regularly is the easiest way to go about it, but some people prefer a more direct approach. Steeping 3-5 teabags in a bowl of hot water to rinse your hair with is the way to go. It won’t have extreme immediate effects, just as any other beauty routine, but doing this once a week will show you a difference for sure.


4. It improves your health.

Green tea helps increase immunity, reduce cholesterol, and manage blood pressure. These are all key factors to our health that not many of us think about on a daily basis. Having green tea in your daily life would make it so that you don’t have to, at least not as much. In addition to the dull health benefits, there is one that that will catch any girl’s eye: weight loss. Drinking green tea as a lifestyle change will increase your metabolism and lead to greater weight loss.


5. Your brain has a chance to breathe.

People who suffer from stress, depression, or anxiety can greatly benefit here. There is an amino acid present in green tea that works as an anti-depressant. This relieves of at least lessens the symptoms people can experience from any of these daily problems. Making green tea a part of your diet literally sets your brain up for success.

Hot or iced, with or without honey, lemon or no lemon, green tea is just one small step you can take for a happier and healthier life.


Alex is an easy going and bubbly person who has a passion for all things creative. She is pursuing a degree in Psychology at Valdosta State University and loving her experiences along the way. Instagram & Twitter: alex_gmann
Her Campus at Valdosta State.