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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

“I want to look like her,” “I wish I looked like her.” I’ve heard these remarks come out of the mouths of friends, family, and even random people I’ve come in contact with. Why do we constantly compare ourselves to others? One of the solid reasons is the rise of social media and how much importance is placed on it. Another is that we’ve grown up constantly being compared to others. Whether we’re too thin, too fat, too round, too blonde… you get the idea. Here are a few things I remind myself of when I’m having one of those days.

1. There is only one of you, literally only one.

We are all made of billions and trillions of cells that are significantly different from the person next to us. There are no two people that are exactly the same, no matter how much they resemble each other. Remember that no one else in the entire world can be you and you can’t be anyone else in the entire world.

2. Everyone is fighting their own battles.

The next time you find yourself comparing yourself to a model in an ad or a beautiful stranger walking down the street, remember that—just like you—they fight their own battles. They might feel exactly how you feel about someone else, or they may just be going through some tough times but can bare a brave face. Remember, the grass is not always greener on the other side.

3. Don’t let social media make you feel bad.

Scrolling, saving, staring, and pinning. We’ve all done it and we’ve all been there; comparing ourselves to someone who’s spent, most likely, a lot of time and money staging a picture. Remember that social media never gives you the full picture.

4. Confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear.

Have you ever wondered how some celebrities or fashion icons make some of the most atrocious fashion choices look chic? They are dripping in confidence—no, seriously. When you are really feeling yourself, the entire world can tell, just like when you are super unconfident and are trying to mask it—it’s very easy to tell. Remember, confidence is sexy and you can rock anything when you’re soaked in it.

5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If you only take one thing away from this entire article, please let it be this: beauty is completely, 100%, entirely, and utterly subjective. The way you see yourself is different from how someone else sees you, and the things you find stunning may not seem that way to someone else. The point is that everyone has a different standard of beauty—what they find beautiful and what makes them feel beautiful. Remember that there is something beautiful about everyone. I don’t believe a truly ugly person exists. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and beauty is completely in the eye of the beholder.

Christina Sollazzo is a uWindsor graduate with a degree in Business Administration. After graduating she moved to Toronto to pursue a corporate Marketing Lead position. She loves all things fitness and is an advocate for living a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, she is a Netflix addict and you can usually catch her binge-watching FRIENDS. She recently came back to the University of Windsor to begin her second degree.