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2019: The Year of Prioritizing Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

Last January, I wrote an article about useful online resources and YouTube channels to kickstart 2018. While I still regularly keep up with the sites and influencers that I mentioned in that article, this year I wanted to take a different approach towards the new year by sharing what I hope to implement – and eliminate – during the upcoming year.

Many of the items I will mention stem from a shift in my perspective. After years of setting unrealistically high expectations, inevitably failing and feeling like a failure for it, I decided that it is time to give myself the space and patience I need (and deserve) to practice self-care and ultimately, to grow as an individual. 

Essentially, I’ve outgrown the urge to set resolutions because I know that my lifestyle will not change in a day, a week, or even a month. Also, I realized that my mindfulness and well-being are more important than meeting superficial goals. Instead, this year is about loving and genuinely caring for myself; it is about acknowledging my weaknesses, thanking them for any lessons they may have taught me, and turning them into strengths to propel me into the next chapter of my life.

If you are looking for some inspiration, or just want a glimpse into some of my goals for the year, make sure to keep reading: 

  1. Abandoning resolutions. One thing that I found interesting going into 2019 is that many people are shifting away from setting resolutions. Personally, one YouTube video that really stood out for me was Amy Landino’s “How I’m Keeping My Habits in 2019” where she talks about the significance of being intrinsically motivated and setting habits according to this motivation – the opposite of setting resolutions based on external rewards. Her words really opened my eyes to mistakes I’ve made in previous years, and they encouraged me to think seriously about what I want and why I want it. Also, I don’t think that resolutions are the way to approach long-term goals. Usually, we tend to view New Year’s Resolutions as quick fixes that will be permanently rewarding when realistically, most of us end up abandoning them by the third week of January to comfortably settle back into old habits. This year, I am doing myself a favour and scrapping the resolutions for life-long habits. I’m turning my standard “lose 20+ pounds” resolution into my “take care of my body” commitment. I am making changes for me and my own happiness!
  2. Being kinder towards myself. For some people, this point may be an obvious one. For others, it is a powerful reminder to respect and nurture ourselves. Being kinder to myself is a huge focus of mine going into 2019. At the end of 2018, I noticed that I began to regularly engage in negative self-talk and unhealthy behaviours that were not consistent with who I am as a person. This year, my goal is to refrain from putting myself down and questioning my worth – instead, I will treat myself with the respect I deserve, and I will not let others determine my worthiness. 
  3. Embracing my vulnerability. Acknowledging and embracing my vulnerability is another major focus of mine for the new year. As someone who deals with anxiety, I often isolate myself and suffer in silence. I also struggle with displaying affection, intimacy, and being vulnerable in front of others. Usually, I tend to avoid situations that may lead to any of the above, and consequently, this behaviour has had a detrimental effect on my personal relationships and private life. My first step toward becoming more comfortable with my own vulnerability was to pick up copies of Brené Brown’s, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, which examines the necessity of vulnerability and Sarah Wilson’s, First, We Make the Beast Beautiful which provides an account of her own personal struggle with anxiety and offers an alternative way to approach it. I am also committed to being more open with those who are closest to me even when I feel like hiding from the world.
  4. Implementing Self-Care Sundays. One thing I really want to prioritize in 2019 is taking the time to care for myself. The way I hope to do that is by incorporating “Self-Care Sundays” into my weekly routine with face masks, bubble baths, and some quality time with a good book or an informative podcast and/or documentary. As someone who constantly gets overwhelmed by responsibilities, I often neglect my own self-care to keep up with academics, extracurricular activities, volunteering, and work. So, I’ve decided that to recover from my busy week, I will unapologetically commit at least one day of the week to myself – and myself only. Sunday, you are mine and no one else’s, sorry not sorry
  5. Nourish my mind, body, and soul. Lastly, one major goal of mine for the upcoming year is to build a lifestyle around equally taking care of my mind, body, and soul. For me, this goal includes being consistent with mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation, sticking to a versatile workout routine, and engaging in more activities that nourish my soul like reading, volunteering, consuming more ethically, and living in harmony with nature.

We all have different ways of celebrating the new year and working towards our goals. Regardless of our individual paths and priorities, one thing is for sure: there is positive, promising energy around 2019 that is both motivating and rejuvenating. So, prioritize yourself and give yourself the love and respect you deserve because you are worthy of it!

*This article is not sponsored.

This is an anonymous account hosted by our team mascot, Morty the Monkey. This article was written by a UWindsor student.