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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

As we step into finals this week, I want to encourage you to implement self-care strategies into your routine. Finals week can be very stressful for every student and practicing self-care is crucial for maintaining your physical and mental well-being. These are a few tips that you can take with you as we approach the last day of class. 

  1. Make sure you are prioritizing your sleep. Ensuring you get enough sleep each night can make it easier for you to focus on exams because lack of sleep can impact cognitive function and memory. In order to prioritize your sleep, you can change around your studying schedule to ensure that you will have completed all your tasks and responsibilities by the time it hits your bedtime, avoiding having to stay up late to study or prepare. 
  2. Make sure to take breaks from studying. Taking short breaks during your study sessions can help to avoid burnout or frustration. If you overload too much on yourself, you can feel like you’re taking on too much and collapse. You can take a break to eat, relax, take a walk, stretch, watch an episode, or do anything that works for you relaxation-wise. Relaxing your mind can help you feel refreshed and ready for the work you have to take on. 
  3. Acknowledge your capabilities. Try to go into finals season without doubting yourself and what you can do or what grade you can get because that can cause self-sabotage. You have to remind yourself of your achievements and capabilities to realize that you can do it and get through it. You can even practice positive affirmations to boost your confidence and help motivate you as you are taking on all your finals.
  4. Remember to take advantage of resources at the University. This can be as simple as taking advantage of study groups or something like counseling resources that can help you manage stress and anxiety for finals. The University of Virginia has great resources that you can utilize, you just have to be open to them and actively look for them. These resources are there to help you so take advantage of them as much as you can. 
  5. Socialize and treat yourself. I don’t recommend locking yourself in or avoiding saying yes to plans because you think you can’t succeed while seeing your friends. I think friends can remind you of the beautiful things in life and motivate you at the same time. Spending time with loved ones can help relieve some of that stress or help provide emotional support. This can also contribute to your education such as study sessions with friends or getting food with friends during your breaks. Moreover, don’t feel guilty to treat yourself to what you want. I think rewarding yourself after accomplishing work or an exam can be a great way to take care of yourself. 

Remember that self-care is very personal and tailored to the person that is doing it. It’s essential to find what works best for you. Please remember to prioritize yourself and your needs but also don’t be scared to reach out for help. As long as you are doing everything that you can, the rest is not in your hands. Be easy on yourself and good luck on finals!

Hi! My name is Roba Metwally and I am a third year student at the University of Virginia. I am on a Pre-Law path, therefore, I am majoring in Political Philosophy, Policy, and Law and minoring in Public Policy and Leadership in the Frank Batten School at UVA. I want to go into criminal law by helping the wrongfully convicted and eventually having my own firm. Outside of her campus, I am a Co-director of Student Legal Services under Student Council, a Resident Advisor for UVA housing and residence life, a member of SWAP@UVA and a member of the Egyptian Student Association. I am from Fairfax Station, Virginia but I have lived in Canada and England. I'm Egyptian and Palestinian. I speak Arabic and a little French. I love traveling and just recently did a study abroad program in Morocco for 2 months. I am the youngest daughter, a night owl, and I love cats!