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Five Ways to Survive Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

I’m aware that this is the most basic topic ever, but it is very relevant to our current situation so I’m hoping that these tips might help those struggling during these very (soon to be) rough times. Good luck to all, stay strong and don’t die (oh, and to be extra basic but also totally honest: You’re more than your grades.)



1. Pace yourself.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Or something like that. Remember that you don’t just have one exam and that’s it, you have multiple to get through. So, make sure you’re spacing it out. Cramming information in doesn’t help anyone (okay, maybe it helps a little) but try to be smart about studying. Don’t overdo it in one sitting!


2. Mental health is key.

Make sure you’re checking in with you – you don’t want to get overly exhausted! Yes, grades are important, but you’re more important. So just make sure you’re sleeping, eating, and relaxing. My go-to is to paint my nails/do a facemask as a way to wind down before bed. Find your relaxation technique!


3. Put the technology away.

Stop checking Instagram/Facebook/Twitter (does anyone still use twitter really??) and focus on the subject you’re studying. You know why? You’ll probably end up sleeping about three hours earlier than you would because you’re avoiding unnecessary breaks.


4. Invest in good snacks.

Do I really need to explain this one? Splurge man, food is an amazing reward. Work towards that Roots bowl. Work towards the Reese’s. Work towards whatever is going to get you that A (or you know, C’s get degrees too).


5. Perfect your study technique.

Everyone has different ways of dealing with finals. My method? I go through making the study guide, study it on my own and then talk it through with a group. It’s a step-by-step process that usually goes pretty well. Just make sure you find your way to study that gives you a set schedule and allows you to stay on top of exams week.  



Smile, it makes you live longer!