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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Being a deeply sleep-deprived college student, I know how important quality sleep is because we all know the quality of sleep is much more important than the amount of sleep you get. One of the things that my mother hammered into me as I was growing up was to put my phone aside at least an hour before I go to bed, but I never really listened to her advice. That is until I found myself an insomniac teenager. I hopped on google and looked up explanations, and, much to my (and probably your) disappointment, being on your phone right before you go to sleep is proven to deteriorate your quality of sleep.

As a result of many sleepless nights and putting my phone away for a while before I slept, I tried to get into the habit of incorporating a more healthy nightly routine into my hectic life. I tossed aside my sleep aids and melatonin supplements and looked into habitual things to help me sleep more deeply. After many trial and error processes, I narrowed down the list of what helped me sleep.

Use A Sleep Calculator.

One of the most important discoveries I made was that when you sleep, you sleep in 90-minute sleep cycles. When you wake up in the middle of a sleep cycle, you feel groggy and sleepy, but if you wake up in the intermission between a sleep cycle and the next, you are more likely to start the day off on the right day. I use this online sleep calculator when I am too lazy to do the math.

Set Your Thermostat To a Frosty Temperature Between 60 and 67 Degrees Fahrenheit.

Long explanation short, having the temperature lower allows for your body not to overheat. For me, the ideal temperature is 69 degrees Fahrenheit, but that’s only because I sleep with a fan on, which leads us to #3.

Use a White Noise Maker.

I personally use my fan as a white noise maker, but you can use peaceful music or even a white noise maker machine as a means to sleep more comfortably.

Use An Essential Oil Heater/Diffuser.

My personal favorite concoction is 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of peppermint, and 2 drops of patchouli, but there are different oil types to help you sleep. Experimenting with your favorite scents goes a long way and might even be the key to helping you get the shut-eye you need.

Read Before You Sleep.

As an English major, it’s quite easy for me to find reading material, but I know that it might be more difficult for someone who doesn’t have that push to read. Reading can be fun, but choosing the right book is important so that it does not stimulate the mind enough to keep you awake.

Massage Yourself.

This one might seem like a no-brainer, and it honestly is. I recommend using a massage/body oil followed by a lotion/cream to seal the moisture into your pores. I love using this massaging oil and this lotion from Bath and Body Works, though both products are fragranced and might not be the best pick for someone with skin sensitivity. After a long day of walking and stressing out, it is relaxing to massage your calves and thighs. Plus, it helps your skin look and feel healthier after repeating every night.

Think About Five Things You Are Grateful For.

As someone who overthinks way too much, it is crucial for me to go into my nightly routine in the right mindset. Going to bed with the right things in mind always helps me stay positive and dream more positive things.

Hopefully, these tips might help you sleep better as they have helped me. There are thousands of different things you can do, but these are just the things that help me get better quality snoozing hours. Because I get better sleep, I wake up at the same time, feel much more energetic throughout the day, and stay focused on the tasks/chores I have pending. Cheers! To better rested and less cranky college students.

English major graduate with concentrations in creative and professional writing and a minor in comparative literature. 100% witty poet.
Lauren is currently a senior at UTSA who is obsessed with anything involving music and pop culture. She is one of the Campus Correspondents for HC UTSA, and is in charge of social media and editing. You can catch her traveling across the country for concerts, eating Whataburger fries, or constantly scrolling through her social media feeds.