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2022: The Year of a Better You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Every year, millions of people make their resolutions to start off the new year. Go to the gym, eat better, etc. Well, 2022 is going to be the year that we start prioritizing ourselves. Here are some ways you can put yourself first and become a better you.

  1. Set Boundaries
    This is extremely important for your mental and physical health. Setting boundaries can mean different things to everyone. A common way to set boundaries is starting to say “no” to people who drain your energy. Setting boundaries will not only protect your mental health, but it will also help foster healthy relationships.
  2. Compliment Yourself
    Every morning when you wake up, look in the mirror, and say one great thing about you. Write compliments on sticky notes and hang them everywhere. Do whatever you need to do to get that compliment in. We are typically our hardest critics, so complimenting yourself can help combat that internalized criticism.
  3. Don’t Make Excuses
    I’m particularly guilty of this. When things don’t go right, or I just don’t feel like doing something, I make excuses. Well, not in 2022. Take ownership of things and push yourself. This means getting your homework done before it’s due, going to the gym, etc. Whatever you come across, avoid excuses.
  4. Letting go of Anger and Hurt
    It’s easier said than done, but it’s better in the long run for you to find your peace. Pent up anger can lead to physical symptoms like lack of sleep and digestive issues. It’s better to move on and leave the anger and hurt in the past rather than carry it forward.
  5. Be Honest and Direct With Yourself and Others
    This is an incredibly important step. For example, if someone has violated your boundaries, even if it was unintentional, tell them. They can’t fix what they don’t know. Likewise, being honest and direct with yourself is just as important. Acknowledging the good and bad in life, admitting when you make mistakes, and paying attention to your feelings are some ways that you can practice this.
  6. Practice Self-Care
    Whether it’s curling up with a book or Netflix, going to the gym, getting your nails done, or going for a walk, practice self-care. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You can’t be better if you’re burnt out. Recognize when you need to take that step back and breathe.

As this semester winds down, and we head into graduation or the next semester, don’t forget about you.

Happy Holidays, and here’s to 2022!

I'm Megan, I'm a Sophomore at UTSA studying Biology and a USAF veteran. Some of my interests include Netflix, fitness, traveling with my husband and kids, and volunteering. When I'm not focused on school I'm spending time with my husband, 3 boys, and our dogs. Follow me on instagram @shutup_mmmeggg