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What You Need to Know About Wellness Culture

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Wellness culture is a phenomenon that has been around a long time but has really gained popularity in recent years. In a nutshell, wellness culture is supposed to focus on all aspects of one’s health, going beyond just the physical aspects we usually associate with the word. However, it has taken on a harsh, yet hidden identity in our society. In essence, wellness culture has somewhat become a beauty standard and lifestyle that can ultimately be detrimental. 

Wellness culture as a whole has turned its focus towards prioritizing our outer appearance by following the untrue regime that healthy is skinny and skinny is healthy. It focuses on our outward looks as a sign of not only our physical health, but our spiritual and mental health as well. The term “wellness” has been around since the 1950s, and its definition has been constantly evolving through the cultural developments that have given rise to today’s society. 

In our modern society, wellness culture has been able to flourish not only through people wishing to fit societal norms, but also in bigger manufacturers and start-ups. The thin and “healthy” look that comes with the idea of wellness is advertised to the public in many different ways. By looking at workout programs, diet programs, or “healthy” weight loss supplements, you can see the effects that wellness culture has had on these products. Wellness culture has been able to obscure the negative effects that come along with weight loss products or diets. These products are not healthy ways to lose weight or maintain physical fitness, but they are advertised this way because they give you the thin look desired by most due to the promotion of wellness culture. The misconception that thin is healthy encourages the use of detrimental products in order to obtain “the look” without assessing what is personally healthy for each individual. Most diets or weight loss products that promise quick weight loss have not been FDA approved and are not recommended methods for losing weight or staying slim. 

Another huge impact from wellness culture is the popularity of social media influencers and fitness models. Their promotion of weight loss products and specific exercises in order to get a certain look takes away from the true purpose of working out: to stay physically fit. 

Although being skinny and toned might be visually appealing, it doesn’t always mean someone is healthy. Sometimes falling into a wellness culture routine can create a false sense of security and health for people. Wellness culture seems amazing in theory, but it’s important to stay smart about the differences between maintaining personal health and striving to look a certain way, no matter what it takes. 

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Sophomore at the University of Utah!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor