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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

College is a difficult time in anyone’s life. Between writing papers, exams, and having a social life, it’s full of stress and often times can lead to sadness or anger. Having someone to talk to is vital to maintain a healthy mental and physical state. While talking about issues about your life, sometimes other judge or maybe even make things worse. It’s not always the case, but there is one person, or rather, creature that will never judge you and always make you feel better: your pet.

Every time you walk through the door, your pet is waiting to greet you, love you, and comfort you. Animals react to how you are reacting at the moment. When you’re happy and full of life, your pet has a energetic glow about them. They lick your face, purr, or some people say they even smile. What’s really amazing is when they sense that you are sad. If you came through the door crying with your head slumped down, a normal person would ask, “Are you okay?”  Of course, the normal reaction when someone asks you that is to break down even further. When a pet sees you upset, they don’t talk to you or ask you any questions. What they do is more than helpful. In my experience my pet, a chocolate Labradoodle named Ziggy, gives me the largest puppy dog eyes and lays on my lap. Even though my dog doesn’t talk, he comforts me and makes me feel better. 

Pets can make you feel better in more ways than just cuddling with you or giving you those big, soft eyes. Simply being with your pet and doing something fun can make you (and your pet) feel better. With dogs you can take them on hikes, walks, or throwing a ball with them. Cats are different, but you can play follow the laser pointer, chase a feather stick, or even give them a ball of cat nip. Of course the types of pets are endless, but there are so many different activities that makes your pets happy and excited. Their joy brings joy to your life. I can’t think of anyone that wouldn’t smile if a dog brought you back a ball or a cat attacked a mouse.

The love of a pet is something that we really can’t understand. The way they just sense when we are emotional is an act that humans have started to develop. The difference is pets have the capacity of loving someone no matter what you are feeling or what you did.  That ability alone doesn’t just make them a pet, it makes them a personal therapist to you. More than that, it makes them your best friend.

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor