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New Semester, New Me: Habits That Will Make Every Collegiette Healthier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Every single New Year’s Resolution I have made in the past 5 years had something to do with becoming a healthier individual.  “Get Healthy” is vague though, and I was always left unsure how to actually make healthy changes that would impact my life.  This past summer, I went back to my childhood home and, with the help of my mom, learned some quick and simple tricks to make positive lifestyle changes.  I’ve incorporated new aspects of health into my life and can honestly say I’ve never been happier with the physical condition of my body and the mental positivity that comes with it.




I have terrible allergies all throughout the year.  No matter how much allergy medication I take, I’m either left feeling completely dried out, or the medication has no effect whatsoever.  A friend of mine told me that if you consume locally produced honey in large amounts, your allergies will vanish.  It’s kind of like a shot, you’re ingesting a small dose of the pollen that is giving you allergies, and your body eventually fights it off, leaving you allergy free! I either take a small spoonful of honey once a day until I’m cured of my allergies, or put it in hot water and drink it throughout the day.



First thing I will say about fire cider: it is SPICY! The ingredients of this concoction help get rid of unwanted germs in your body.  Additionally, it is made up of a ton of super foods that protect your body from many diseases. The ingredients include apple cider vinegar, habanero pepper, garlic, turmeric, oranges, lemons, onions, ginger, horseradish, and raw wildflower honey. After taking a shot of fire cider in the morning, I don’t need coffee to fuel me, the small dosage I take of this drink keeps me energized for the day!




I have read so many articles talking about lemon water and how it will curb your appetite.  I was always skeptical though, how could drinking water make you less hungry.  After trying this simple drink, I now am a believer.  When I wake up and drink lemon water right away, then continue to do so throughout the day, I find that I snack a whole lot less! I also continuously reach for my water bottle because of the delicious flavor and therefore am consuming much more water than I normally would.



When you’re a child, vegetables are considered food from the devil himself.  You’d rather go to bed hungry than finish your broccoli.  I’m not exactly sure when the switch was made, but now my snacks of choice are usually green and leafy! I’ve learned that the way you prepare your vegetables makes a world of a difference.  When I’m feeling hungry, you can find me roasting cauliflower with some rosemary, or frying zucchini and broccoli.  

These few habits are extremely simple to incorporate into your everyday life and will help your body reap huge benefits.

I have a deep love for mermaids, pitbulls, swearing, and all things involving food.  Shania Twain is my spirit animal and I'm a converted Belieber.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor