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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It is officially spring, which means summer is just around the corner! It is time to get your body into tip-top shape. Here are five core exercises that you can do in your dorm room to achieve those rock hard abs! We at Her Campus Utah want you to feel AMAZING while rocking that bikini this summer!

The (Tried and True!) Plank

Variation 1

Keeping your body in a completely straight line–butt down ladies–prop yourself up on your forearms while squeezing your bottom and your legs. Arms should be shoulder-width apart. Hold for at least 60 seconds. This targets your entire core (including glutes and lower back) teaching your abdominal muscles to act as a built-in corset, trimming your waistline all over!

Variation 2

Same as above, only prop yourself up with your hands in a push-up position. Keep elbows locked, and again butt down, while legs and glutes are squeezing! You can alternate between planking on your hands and planking on your forearms if your arms start to hurt during the exercise. 

The Side Plank

Variation 1

Stacking one foot on top of the other balance on the side of your right foot, and on your right hand, while reaching the left hand up to the ceiling. Keep your elbow locked and make sure your right hand is directly below your right shoulder. Think about pushing upward with your right hip, this is where the power will come from to hold your side plank. Hold at least 60 seconds, then repeat on left side. This works similar to the regular plank, only stimulating your core in a different way. 

Variation 2

Hold the same side plank as above, only bend the right leg underneath you, so you are balancing on your knee instead of your foot. If you are new to this exercise or have knee problems, try this variation first. It will prevent you from putting too much pressure on your knee, and help you develop core strength correctly. Never be afraid to start an exercise at an easier variation. It’s important to protect your joints and build strength everywhere rather than only in large muscle groups.

The Bridge


Start seated with palms of the hands behind you facing backwards and the soles of your feet planted firmly on the ground. Slowly lift your hips up to the sky until you are as parallell as possible with the ceiling. After holding 5-10 seconds, bring your bottom back to the ground. Complete this movement slowly, imagining your back moving one vertebrae at a time. The slower you move the longer the muscle is working, which is harder as well as more effective.

The Bicycle

Lay flat on your back pressing your lower back into the ground, which will activate your stomach muscles (this is a reminder for those who tend to use your lower back for ab work instead of your abs!). Clasp your hands behind your head and lift your legs to a 45 degree angle. Extend the right leg all the way out, bend your left knee towards your chest and twist so your right elbow touches your left knee. Slowly do the same on the opposite side. As with all ab exercises, the slower your movement, the harder your body has to work to maintain the exercise! SLOW DOWN and let your body truly benefit from the work you’re doing! Also, make sure your rotation is as complete as possible, using your full range of motion for the twist.

The Plank Crunch

From a push up position, bring your right knee to the outside of your right elbow and straighten it back behind you. Next, bring your knee under and across your belly to the inside of your left elbow, then straighten it back behind you. Last, bring your knee directly underneath you and then straighten it back behind you. These three count as “1 rep”. Focus on squeezing your belly as tight as possible each time you crunch your knee in. Aim for 20 on each side (hint: that’s 60 total)!

Total Core Workout Challenge:

Plank: 90 seconds

Side Plank: 60 seconds each side

Bridge: 25 Reps

Bicycle: 50 Reps (25 each side)

Plank Crunch: 25 Reps (Beware: this is the killer! 25 reps means each leg performs 75 crunches inward!)

….Then REPEAT! 

A little something to get you ladies going!

Mallory has her B.S. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Utah, and is currently completing medical school pre-requisites. Her love for fitness started with her first dance class at the age of 3, and has taken her on a journey through various sports and activities. Now a competitive amateur boxer & Muay Thai fighter, Mallory loves to push her own limits and inspire others to do the same.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor