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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

It’s officially spring. Which means it’s almost summer. Which means the various guides to how get a “summer body” are popping up everywhere. On Facebook, in magazines, on Instagram; we cannot escape them. These guides just perpetuate the idea that women NEED to get in shape and look a certain way JUST because it’s summer. Gag.

Let me start by saying that there should be no “bikini body” standard, and that no woman should feel pressure from society to look a certain way.

That being said, it is okay to want to get in shape, but the reason should be for yourself, not to conform to society’s standards (easier said than done, I know). As someone who has struggled with body image for what seems like forever, I’m finally at a place where I am getting more comfortable with my body, and this is mainly due to working out. I’ve found that working out makes me feel stronger, more confident and more comfortable with my body. So while I am totally against making women feel like they need to look a certain way, I realize that working can also affect how women feel. Don’t try and lose weight to pleases someone else. Don’t stress about losing 15 pounds before someone sees you in a bikini. Instead, if you are unhappy with your body, workout because it makes YOU feel stronger. Go to the gym because it helps clear your mind. Make a change because YOU want to see it! Keep reading for some tips that I have found useful on how to get and stay motivated!



Figure Out WHY You Want To Get In Shape

From my experience, you are only going to stay motivated if the reasons you want to get fit are for you! In past years I have completely fallen into the “bikini body” trap: I wanted a “bikini body” so badly, but for no other reason than I thought I needed one. I ran on the treadmill, ate less (not healthier, just less), felt awful and didn’t see results. Now I realize that my only motivation to get in shape was society telling me I needed to — I wasn’t doing it for myself. Now, I’m in a place where I workout because I want to and because I like the way it makes me feel. When I find that motivation within myself, I’m more likely to stay motivated!


Make Small Goals

The tough thing about working out is that you won’t see results right away. This can be extremely frustrating! I mean I worked out for a week and feel great, why don’t I see results? It takes time. But not seeing results right away can still be discouraging. To stay positive, I like to set small goals so that I have a visual of my accomplishments every week. Small goals can be anything like “try new abs workout” or “complete 3 more reps on each set” or “Go to the gym at least 3 times this week.” You might not notice changes in your body after a week of working out, but you can see all the small goals you have achieved!


Find a Buddy

I personally HATE working out with other people. I like to have that time for myself. If you’re like me and hate working out with other people, find someone you can at least talk to about your fitness journey! They don’t have to work out with you, but they can still hold you accountable if they know your goals! It’s also just nice to be able to talk about your frustrations and celebrations! If you don’t mind working out with someone else, I suggest finding a gym buddy — you can go together and help keep eachother accountable.



Listen To Your Body

Please, please, please listen to your body!!! If you planned to go for a run or workout but something hurts or you’re physically or mentally exhausted, your body is telling you that you need a break! And that is OKAY. I like to work out in the morning. That way, I get it over with, and I don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the day. There have been many times when my alarm goes off at 6:50, again at 7, then again at 7:15, and I’m just too exhausted to get up, so I decide to sleep in instead of working out. My body is telling to me rest, and skipping a workout to get the rest your body needs is OKAY. 


Do Not Obsess

This goes hand in hand with listening to your body! It is so easy to obsess over working out and being healthy. I’ve done it way too many times. I get in the mindset where I think I need to be working out and eating healthy all the time. If I slip up, I freak out and feel so shitty about myself.

I always need to remind myself, that it’s okay if I skip a workout or eat something unhealthy every once in awhile. I’m working out to feel better about myself, and if it gets to the point where I’m beginning to obsess and feel shitty about myself, I know I need to step back.


Remind Yourself You’re Beautiful

Something we all need to do!! Getting in shape is great. Eating healthy is great. But I really do think it’s all about how you feel! We are all beautiful and sometimes it’s easy to forget that — especially with all these reminders that we need to get a bikini body!! Remind yourself, remind your friends, remind your loved ones: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.


Her Campus USFCA contributors are all exemplery young women at the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, California! Founded in 2020, Her Campus USFCA has grown rapidly to represent our diverse campus community through the unique expression that Her Campus allows. Here readers will find communally contributed articles as well as anonymous articles written by our chapter. We hope that you enjoy these pieces!