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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Now that the fall semester of my freshman year has come to an end, I would like to share some firsthand experience I’ve encountered with my lovely three hour long 8 a.m. Anatomy and Physiology lab. From waking up late, to falling asleep during class to my stomach growling loud enough for the whole room to hear- I’ve been through it all. Let’s just say Thursday mornings were not my favorite mornings. Here are some tips to help you conquer your next 8 a.m.


When You Have an Exam, Study in Advance

I know they tell you not to cram for any class, but seriously… do not cram for an 8 a.m. Because my 8 a.m. was my most difficult class this semester, every Wednesday I’d be up until the wee hours of the night studying all the articulations of the axial skeleton or the origins of the appendicular muscles. This made it a million times harder to get out of bed in the morning. Not only was I exhausted, but I did not perform as well as I’d hoped on tests and quizzes because I was so drained and lacking energy. Trust me when I say this, go to bed at a decent hour and study a few days in advance rather than the night before. You will need your beauty sleep.



Breakfast On-The-Go

There have been too many instances where I’ve been on my dreadful walk across campus and suddenly realize how hungry I am. Investing in some grab-and-go oatmeal cups and yogurts saved me from being cranky and irritable throughout class.


Coffee. Lots and Lots of Coffee.

If you’re a coffee drinker, an XL will become your go-to for your 8 a.m. Having your own Keurig or coffee pot will save you some time, but even if you’re running a few minutes behind schedule, the Dunkin’ app is going to be your best friend on these days.


Leggings Are Pants

For me, waking up at 7:15 a.m. was already too much for me, let alone having to put on a cute outfit and a full face of makeup. However, I never wanted to be that girl who heads to class looking like she just rolled out of bed in her sweatpants with a rats nest on top of her head, (although we’ve all been there at some point). Leggings are ideal for 8 a.m.s, I usually buy mine at T.J.Maxx or Marshalls for anywhere from $10 – $20. But if you want to take it to the next level, go the LuluLemon route. These pants are the most comfortable piece of clothing you will ever own, and having an 8 a.m. only gives you an excuse to add more to your collection. Sometimes, I would even sleep in them the night before!


Stay Hydrated

Fatigue can sometimes lead to dry skin and dehydration. Be sure to drink plenty of water every day, and always carry H20 with you. It is important to stay hydrated so that you are alert and focused.


Next time you have to take an 8 a.m., keep these tips and tricks in mind. These are things I wish I had known before the semester began. Morning classes are always rough, but at the end of the day, you will get through them. Stay strong and work hard. And if possible…

Just stay away from 8 a.m.s.


Hi! My name is Mia and I am a freshman studying Nursing at the University of Rhode Island. I am from a beach town in New Jersey, and I have two dogs and a cat. I love going to the gym in the morning (even though I am definitely not a morning person until I've had my coffee), I have a slight obsession with shopping, and I think Grey's Anatomy is the best show to ever exist.