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7 Ways To Survive Your 7 O’clock Lecture

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

Sometimes, just sometimes, we end up having to choose a 7 a.m. lecture because WE NEED TO GRADUATE… eventually, anyways! Although it is not the ideal time to listen to somebody yak for an hour and a half non-stop, it’s still something that we’ve got to go through.

Here are some tips for you to not fall asleep in the class you dread, but need, so badly:

1. Go to bed earlier the day before the class: this way you’ll be more rested and – are supposed to- have more energy for the next day.

2. Drink water to wake up your body. Also, it’s a healthy choice: two birds, one stone! – A non-healthy choice: hold the urge to pee during class, pee afterwards. You won’t fall asleep this way, eh?

3. Take a cold shower – A passive-aggressive way to wake up your body. Also, it has been medically proven that it increases alertness, eases stress and relieves depression.

4. Have a good breakfast – It’s a healthy choice, and also you will be able to actually pay attention in class and not fail.

5. Take the class with people you know – you’ll be forced to stay awake so you can help each other out at study dates.

6. Doodle and take notes- Come up with an understandable system where your notes become doodles! This way, you actually have to take notes because your doodles probably won’t make sense to you after a day or so.

7. Drink coffee! – This is an obvious solution! It will make you feel more awake and alert, but beware of the jitters. Careful not to overdrink coffee!

If everything else fails, sacrifice a goat to a Dark Lord because a 7 a.m. classes are not the work of any peaceful god.

With your help, maybe morning lectures can stop being a thing! In the meanwhile, we hope you survive!

Born in New York's finest hospital: Belleview. Raised in an echanted island: Puerto Rico. Don't expect me on the sidelines, I walk as if the world were my runway. Journalism student learning Physical Education and Recreation because writing stories under preassure was not enough.