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10 Mentally Healthy Habits You Can Start Doing Today

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

There are lots of things going on at the moment. Whether you’re struggling with academic projects, work, house work, relationships and more, free time can easily become scarce in your life. Quality time with yourself can often seem like nonsense when there are so many responsibilities to attend to. However, there are simple habits that you can start developing today that don’t require a lot of time, and have multiple benefits for your mental health. Here is a list of 10 things you can do that can ultimately make you a healthier individual. 

You guessed it: exercise!

In today’s technology-driven world, we’ve forgotten that we were born to move. As a matter of fact, your body needs to move so your mind can groove! Exercise makes us feel better because of all of the endorphins and dopamine hormones that are liberated in our body as we pump it up.

Usually, the number one excuse for not exercising is that there is “not enough time.’’ But hey, if you’ve got time to scroll endlessly down your Facebook page, you have time for a quick jog. You don’t have to engage in rigorous physical activity. A 20-minute walk around the block is a great way to start (bonus points, if there is nature around). Being exposed to green scenery actually helps to ease the brain by providing some much-needed relaxation and an overall feeling of interconnectedness with the environment that surrounds you.

The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate activity weekly or at least 75 minutes of vigorous activity weekly. It might sound a lot at first, but it’s approximately a 20-minute stroll around your neighborhood daily. So, what are you waiting for?

Water is your new best friend

Plants are not the only ones that need water. It’s important to keep yourself hydrated! I know that water might seem bland and tasteless at first, but there are two tips that can cure this dullness. First, if it’s too tasteless for you, try adding some cut fruits to your beverage. That way you’re also getting those vitamins that are so important for your body. To get motivated, buy a cute reusable bottle or decorate one with fun stickers. This way you’ll feel encouraged to drink from it. 

Another recommendation when it comes to hydrating yourself is to drink water as soon as you wake up. While you slept, your body had to make do with the water you drank about seven to eight hours prior to waking up. For this reason, having a sip right after you jump out of bed is a great energy booster. You can place that fabulous water bottle on your bedside table, so you won’t forget.

Sharpen those knives ’cause it’s time to cook

I’ve personally been guilty of this one: why learn to cook when I can quickly buy fast food from my car? Especially if you still live with your parents, learning how to cook seems pretty unnecessary. However, the temptation of grabbing some food on-the-go too frequently may really take a toll on your bank account, creating financial stress that you definitely don’t need.

Cooking can be fun! You don’t have to start cooking a three-course meal right away. You can switch it up. One day you make dinner and another day, lunch. Also, who said you have to do it on your own? Invite friends over or ask a family member for some help. Engage in finding new recipes or trying out traditional family recipes as well. Eventually, you have to learn to cook if you want to survive, so why not start now?

Declutter it all

Okay, maybe not all of it. But, having a clear space can do wonders for your mind. It can keep you more focused, boost your productivity, and give you less things to stress about. It would be ideal to keep everything tidy and clean all the time, but not all of us are clean freaks or are obsessive when it comes to organizingーand that’s all right. You can declutter weekly. Get rid of things that are useless and old, or clean two to three surfaces around you. Remember that a clear space is a clear mind.

Treat yourself through hygiene

The house is not the only thing that needs to be clean and prepped up. How about you? Are you engaging in hygienic habits? Show some love to your skin, hair, feet, teeth, and more. It might seem obvious that you keep yourself clean because you bathe every day, but it’s the details that count here. Clean up your nails, moisturize your elbows and knees, and floss your teeth. And please remove your makeup before you go to sleep! Ultimately, if you don’t spend some time being hygienic, it will come back to haunt you in the shape of zits, cavities, dry skin, split ends, and much more. 

Rise and shine! It’s time to set a sleep schedule

I think the majority of us are guilty of scrolling through our social media platforms right before that beauty sleep. However, there is nothing beautiful about this at all. Locking your eyes on a screen at night suppresses melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleeping cycle. In fact, just having your phone near your bed as you sleep could increase the risk of developing cancer. I don’t want to alarm you, but if you want to use your phone, use it  during the daytime, or make sure you use your phone’s blue light filter at night. You can even hop on Amazon and order some quarantine-famous blue light blocking glasses to minimize your eyesight damage.

So, what do you have to do? Wake up and go to sleep at the same hour every day and avoid using your phone at night.

Make your goals visual

Dr. Gail Matthews, a California-based psychologist, created a study of goal setting and found that it is 42% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down on a regular basis. You can be very creative with this: make inspiring boards to pin quotes and pictures, have a planner, create a bucket list, buy a bullet journal and so on. It’s essential to take a look at your goals on a regular basis to remember them. Prioritize your goals and dreams. You can start by setting simple weekly goals and once you accomplish them, don’t forget to check mark them for the complete satisfaction of getting them done.

Keep an active mind

Not only does your body need to get moving, but your brain craves activity as well. I know that not everyone is a book junkie, but reading is a great way to relax and stimulate your brain. If you’re not a reading aficionado, you can read articles about a topic that piques your interests, or listen to podcasts, and watch documentaries or educational videos on YouTube. There are many ways to learn something new to keep that brain active.

Another great way to give your mind some love is to meditate. Meditation might be tedious and hard for many at first (and it actually is), but once you get the hang of it, you’ll experience its multiple benefits. Meditating 10 minutes a day can reduce anxiety, boost your immune function, reduce pain, and overall it provides a great sense of peace. You could start this relaxing practice by listening to guided meditations or using wellness and meditation-oriented apps like Calm and Headspace as guides.

Become the love of your life

Practicing self-love is so crucial in many ways. You need to love yourself and dedicate time to yourself before doing so to someone else. We all make mistakes and, on many occasions, we criticize and antagonize our own actions the most. Be more compassionate with yourself. Instead of destructively criticizing everything that you do, try to be positive about every outcome and practice loving mantras such as, “you can do this” or “you’ll do better next time.” Repeating these things will help you develop a strong bond with your capabilities. Additionally, this positive habit will ultimately help you appreciate your lovely self a little bit more.

Every day is a great day to do good

“What good shall I do today?” This quote, by the illustrious Benjamin Franklin, is a great reminder that you can recite at the beginning of each day. Being kind is completely free and wonderous. Simplicity is key here. You can give someone a piece of your chocolate bar, help carry something heavy, compliment someone’s outfit, or wish them a good day. Keep in mind that any random act of kindness counts in the long run, so let your creativity run free! Spreading goodness will attract positive things in your life, but it always starts with you.

It doesn’t take up much time to start developing one or two of these habits. Spending some quality time to boost your mental health is necessary and has so many great benefits. Remember that you’re essential and of great importance. You spend all of your time with yourself, so you might as well give yourself a healthy and loving life.

Claudia S. Colon Rosa is the Chapter Leader at the Her Campus at UPR chapter. In addition to overseeing all chapter affairs, she manages the magazine’s editorial and contributes to it as a fellow writer, mainly crafting articles under wellness, life, and entertainment. Beyond Her Campus, Claudia has worked as assistant editor for the English department’s academic journal, Sargasso, where she managed the journal’s printing press and distribution. She has also written for Rebeldia magazine and was part of the Her Campus National Writer program where she published an array of articles. She is currently a senior at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus, majoring in English Literature and pre-medical studies. When she’s not writing an essay or overwhelmed with chemistry formulas, Claudia loves to watch anime and exercise to dance parties on YouTube. She gets the best of both worlds and she wouldn’t want to have it any other way.