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Running for Haters- How to Hate Running…Less

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

I’ve been called “weird,” “crazy,” and even a “freak.” Why you ask? I LOVE to run. I find going for a run after a long, stressful day one of the most relaxing and rewarding things to do. Running has been the outlet I’ve used when I’m sad, happy, stressed, overwhelmed or  simply in need to get rid of some energy. The feeling I get when I run is a sense of freedom, happiness and strength. Yes, I am human. Running does make me tired and not every run is feels “good.” But everyone is born to run and yes, you can become a runner too.


Here are a few tips I’ve learned along they way to help you hate running a little less:

1. Running form, running form, and running form. I cannot stress this enough! I would say most people dislike running because they simply do not know how to run. Running with poor form can hurt your body and will make running feel painful and uncomfortable. Here are a few simple tips to improve your running form:

a.  Keep your head up! Don’t look down at your feet. Keep your head level and eyes looking in front of you.

b.  Arms. Your arms should be held at a 90-degree angle. Keep your elbows down and close to your body. Don’t give yourself chicken wings. This will help reserve energy and help you not look “dumb” when you run.

c.  Legs. Your legs should be hitting the ground 90 times per minute. Which means your right leg will hit the ground 45 times, and your left 45 times as well. Try counting how many times your legs hit the ground. Try to slowly adjust this pace. This again will help conserve energy and keep you at a good pace throughout your run. (Your legs should also be hitting the ground directly below your waist. Do not reach your legs out in front of you, in hopes of making your stride longer. Bring your leg up and down, in line with your body.)

d. Hands- Make a fist, then relax your hands. Rest your thumb on top of your pointer finger. Pretend you are holding chips when you run. Do not clench your fingers, or you’ll “break” the chips. You can waste so much energy if you clench your hands or flop them around when you run. Again, keep your hands in this position while  keeping your arms at a 90-degree angle.

2.  Running shoes! You should replace your running shoes every 200 or so miles. So depending on how much you run, you should be replacing your running shoes around once or twice a year. You should also use your running shoes ONLY for running. Do not wear them hiking, walking around campus, they should only be worn while running or working out.

3. Buddy up! Running with a friend or a group makes your run so much better! Having some one else to talk to and to struggle with makes running that much easier!

4.  Hit the trails. Try running off road once in awhile. It’s good for your body and is a good change of scenery. Check out the UNH College Woods behind the Field House or Kingman farm in Madbury.

5. Unplug! Try running without headphones or any music at all. It’s not 100% necessary to go without. But it can mess up your tempo, if you find yourself running with the beat of the music. Take the time to think, reflect and to be aware of the world around you for thirty or so minutes of your day.


So there it is. My short list of tips that will hopefully make running a little less painful. I promise you these tips will make a dramatic difference in your running. It may take you a few days, a week, a month or more to adjust and to learn how to run. But I swear, it CAN be done. Happy running! 

UNH Her Campus Editor in Cheif Member since 2012Junior Chi Omega SisterHelath Management and Policy Major with a Minor in Sociology Originally from Orono, ME. Lover of Fashion, Fall, and Food